Sorry this is my closing conclusion. I am not, never was I, hesitant about the Covid experimental gene therapy. I don’t want it, didn’t have it and will be not having any more of their inflated price ju ju juice. Why does this all appear to be geared up to selling more and more vaccines in all the colours and all the sizes - what happened to natural immunity? Rhetorical question of course!
They use the same words that we all know and understand but what the words represent has now been changed open "discussion" has become "misinformation and disinformation". They talk about "education" but this is subjective to whatever the political narrative is and does not encourage independent reasoning or judgement. "Vaccine confidence" two separate words we know very well but to the official narrative it means blind trust and doing what we tell you to do. We are living in a world where the political class use the same language but they have distorted the meaning of it. It really is quite dystopian but it pacifies the masses into believing everything is as it was.
What planet is she living on. I will never have confidence in her words or big pharma’s genocidal preparations in homage to money. I am done with vaccines. The whitewash will fool many but thankfully there are doctors and professors who will continue their work to keep us safe. I am disgusted at this inquiry which is a poor shadow of the truth seeking body it should have been. I will not obey!
I feel the same way Janice but the ''whitewash'' narrative is dicey because whilst yes that's what they are largely promoting the totality of evidence revealled including witness statements has thoroughly documented the truth to 'COVID'. The 'freedom' groups should have been using this to counter the nonsense. Of course the real truth has been exposed moreso in Scotland.
In her summing up Dr Claire Mitchell has failed to challenge her misconceptions that the Covid vaccine, (correctly termed Genetically Modified Organism), is both safe and effective. We know this is not true, but Ms Mitchell continues with the same narrative that caused unnecessary harm to people and destroyed lives.
Well, Well, totally unscientific. When X appears it will be totally unknown, there will be no vaccine for it, and from what we have seen of one month wonders, I feel it would be to our advantage to let our medics to sort out cures that worked in the past, than allow another instant vaccine.
I always ask myself who are the real spreaders of mis/disinformation and ultimately the real conspiracy theorists too? These terms are thrown around by those in 'power' to shutt down debate and are very dangerous.
With all this talk of 'The Next Pandemic' I cant hep but think that some people actually enjoyed it - drama queens with white hair and big thick glasses thrive on doom, don't they ? These are precisely the same kind of women who whine and moan about dog poo in the park and teenaged pregnancies.
Yeah, the 'Cruella De Ville' types are always lurking in the wings. A surprisingly high number of them are found in charities and social work, where they can feel superior telling us plebs what to do.
Just a rebranding of the same type of ultra-conformist busybodies who used to stand in the back yard gossiping and moaning about the fact that their neighbours frilly panties were drying on the line of a Sunday - and which of the menfolk came home plastered on a Friday night, and at what time. They simply can't help being obnoxious. can they?
BP….I just don’t know what to say anymore. That such words can come out of peoples mouths. I can’t fathom the depths to which we have sunk. Doctors especially, but more so the usual suspects who are making careers out of ignoring this. The blindness of the masses is simply incredible. God help us indeed.
There is also sadly no REAL opposition to ANYTHING that has been done in the name of health. It's all bark and no bite. eg- Pandemic-2 trajectory rock solid.
Sorry this is my closing conclusion. I am not, never was I, hesitant about the Covid experimental gene therapy. I don’t want it, didn’t have it and will be not having any more of their inflated price ju ju juice. Why does this all appear to be geared up to selling more and more vaccines in all the colours and all the sizes - what happened to natural immunity? Rhetorical question of course!
revernentjimjonescoumes to mind. drink the coolaid
They use the same words that we all know and understand but what the words represent has now been changed open "discussion" has become "misinformation and disinformation". They talk about "education" but this is subjective to whatever the political narrative is and does not encourage independent reasoning or judgement. "Vaccine confidence" two separate words we know very well but to the official narrative it means blind trust and doing what we tell you to do. We are living in a world where the political class use the same language but they have distorted the meaning of it. It really is quite dystopian but it pacifies the masses into believing everything is as it was.
They accuse you of what they are or have supported themselves whilst performing a role as the good cop. It really is dystopian.
What planet is she living on. I will never have confidence in her words or big pharma’s genocidal preparations in homage to money. I am done with vaccines. The whitewash will fool many but thankfully there are doctors and professors who will continue their work to keep us safe. I am disgusted at this inquiry which is a poor shadow of the truth seeking body it should have been. I will not obey!
I feel the same way Janice but the ''whitewash'' narrative is dicey because whilst yes that's what they are largely promoting the totality of evidence revealled including witness statements has thoroughly documented the truth to 'COVID'. The 'freedom' groups should have been using this to counter the nonsense. Of course the real truth has been exposed moreso in Scotland.
In her summing up Dr Claire Mitchell has failed to challenge her misconceptions that the Covid vaccine, (correctly termed Genetically Modified Organism), is both safe and effective. We know this is not true, but Ms Mitchell continues with the same narrative that caused unnecessary harm to people and destroyed lives.
They don't care about real evidence etc that much is clear but cite the dangers of misinformation.
that was event 201. all about 'misinformation. facts
how many? we will neverknow. democidecan neverbe exposed
Well, Well, totally unscientific. When X appears it will be totally unknown, there will be no vaccine for it, and from what we have seen of one month wonders, I feel it would be to our advantage to let our medics to sort out cures that worked in the past, than allow another instant vaccine.
I always ask myself who are the real spreaders of mis/disinformation and ultimately the real conspiracy theorists too? These terms are thrown around by those in 'power' to shutt down debate and are very dangerous.
With all this talk of 'The Next Pandemic' I cant hep but think that some people actually enjoyed it - drama queens with white hair and big thick glasses thrive on doom, don't they ? These are precisely the same kind of women who whine and moan about dog poo in the park and teenaged pregnancies.
Agree, the authoritarian in them misses it. Many would like the COVID lifestyle permanent. This is ominous.
Yeah, the 'Cruella De Ville' types are always lurking in the wings. A surprisingly high number of them are found in charities and social work, where they can feel superior telling us plebs what to do.
An inferiority superiority complex?
Just a rebranding of the same type of ultra-conformist busybodies who used to stand in the back yard gossiping and moaning about the fact that their neighbours frilly panties were drying on the line of a Sunday - and which of the menfolk came home plastered on a Friday night, and at what time. They simply can't help being obnoxious. can they?
My God!
We're gonna need his help.
BP….I just don’t know what to say anymore. That such words can come out of peoples mouths. I can’t fathom the depths to which we have sunk. Doctors especially, but more so the usual suspects who are making careers out of ignoring this. The blindness of the masses is simply incredible. God help us indeed.
There is also sadly no REAL opposition to ANYTHING that has been done in the name of health. It's all bark and no bite. eg- Pandemic-2 trajectory rock solid.
nota vacine its genetics
Hope she got booed on that closing statement. Not speaking fir the jibby jabby bereaved.