Sep 28Liked by biologyphenom

NG163 is nothing less than Crimes against humanity!!

Using Midazolam and Morphine is a painful disgusting murder and they did it on people that could not say no ie the disabled and elderly

This is mass murder to bring in a deadly patented bio-weapon, the Mrna Vaxx

The fact no big account refuses to discuss speaks volumes

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Sep 28·edited Sep 28Author

I agree the biggest crime of all is how 'the pandemic' started as that paved the way for everything else thereafter.

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Absolutely 💯 right Lee. Perhaps the only way to any justice is in our own hands.

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24 hrs ago·edited 24 hrs ago

I believe this has been and always will be true, for authorities do not police themselves. This is a mental hurdle for many.

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Sep 28Liked by biologyphenom

One wonders if Oliver, N (because he is Scottish and his 'voice' would resonate more with his 'own' people) has had a warning from 'shadow merchants'...comment on the Inquiry and your channel gets the 'silent treatment', or, other sanctions. It does seem strange that he has not done a whole podcast about it - the Inquiry in Scotland is a very rich seam for evidence and personal stories. This is not in defence of the omission, but to understand his raison d'etre.

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Agree 'shadow merchants.' He eventually did a decent job of it on GBN but to then ignore the 2024 closing statements from health and social care hearings is a really bad look that he should remedy asap one way or another. Neil also being a historian ignoring this again looks REAL bad. Another example is Doc Malik from GLASGOW Scotland blocked me on X over it all even called me a troll (lol) and what has he said about Scots inquiry on his popular podcast? Nothing at all to the best of my knowledge.

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22 hrs agoLiked by biologyphenom

The thing is there are the ones who are fiercely determined to get the truth out and there are those who are lukewarm ( for whatever reason). Those who take a financial and social hit, have their careers driven off the tracks, are ostracised and censored.....well...they have our gratitude in spades.

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22 hrs agoLiked by biologyphenom

I will watch the video, on reading your article I was selfishly thinking about myself. I had a viral infection in March 2020, if I had responded to the fear and misinformation put out at the time and contacted the NHS I could easily have been admitted into hospital. I was a perfect candidate for their "protocols", in my 60s, experiencing some respiratory symptoms combined with anxiety. How easy it would have been to have a Covid diagnosis put on me and started on their Covid protocol pathway to probably a Midazolam and Morphine overdose, I would never have stood a chance of surviving it. I am now thinking of all those poor people who trusted and believed the health system would take care of them.

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