May 21Liked by biologyphenom

Good grief this woman is obsessed with "long covid", she needed "peer support", she was searching social media/twitter for answers to her "long covid"- she did not have enough work to do that was what was wrong with her!! If this is the calibre of doctors then I despair. It is ironic that we would have been safer in a third world country being treated for a respiratory virus than in the UK in March 2020. She says "The fallout of this entire pandemic, the psychological aspects is huge..i think we will see the ramifications of this for years to come.’’ - No doctor, the ramifications come not from the fake pandemic but from the deliberate moronic response in not treating people appropriately with a respiratory infection.

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Yup, last point on ''pandemic'' vs lockdown. Infuriating they keep doing this but at the same time understandable given what they are complicit in.

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They've exterminated millions across the globe with ventilation, Midazolam, lockdowns and the vax.

No wonder they want to maintain the narrative that it was all down to Covid and Long Covid.

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Oh it's an an absolute fuckin disaster of epic proportions....


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May 21Liked by biologyphenom

I work in the NHS.

99.9% of the doctors we have these days are imbeciles.

This 'Doctor' is an imbecile.

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The lack of basic logic and critical thinking is scarier than any alledged virus.

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No, they are not all imbeciles. Many of them are just plain old fashioned drunks. In my first NHS management post, I was in a team with a leading doctor and a leading nurse.

The doctor was a qualified psychiatrist who enjoyed liquid lunches, and sometimes arrived in my office slobbering all over me. I reported her to line management - another female doctor - as being drunk on duty, and the response I got was this: "Oh no, no again"!

The Senior Male Nurse manager had been fired from a different unit for exchanging promotions for sexual favours. I reported him to Audit for fiddling his expenses. What a happy crew we were!

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Typically, patients presenting with Long-Covid were menopausal females. OK, might be a coincidence....

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Menopause brought on by toxic dog shlt being injected into them... 🤔


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May 22Liked by biologyphenom

Largest deadliest medical fraud in human history....


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It all beggars belief! I couldn’t do all the work to put this together as the bill for therapy would be insane. I think you would turn up to this enquiry and say you formerly identified as a doctor, as that title no longer applies in so many cases and I don’t mean PCR “cases”.

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Lets propose that in a given normal year that some 50% of middle-aged people suffer some kind of illness: joint inflammation, colds, hypertension, fatigue, coughs, bloating, mental distress etc: and then we stress them all out with fear of a mystery and fatal virus.?

Now, logically this stress of the unknown terror will make them feel more sick, not less. And of course whatever the fashionable disease of the day is, and the weaker the diagnostic test, the more people will ascribe their mystery symptoms to it.

However, this does not prove anything apart from the fact that we are all rather susceptible to messaging. Maybe there is such a thing as long-covid - who can say? But it might well prove to be as unscientific as 'The vapours'.

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