Great compilation. I have no idea why this continues to be ignored by those who claim to be on our side. It is as if they want to deny the scale of iatrogenic harms in order to exaggerate the dangers from the virus.

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Thanks Martin. Agree completely. It's just jaw dropping the entire thing. 'Dr' John Campbell sent me a PM on Twitter 5 weeks ago. We exchaged emails about him covering this. I sent him all the required videos etc and since he went completely mute and made some excuse about a video having music and thus copyright which is fair enough but i had already sent him that video with no music. Anyway....more explosive testimony is guaranteed the coming weeks take it from me ! It's not over !!

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May 14Liked by biologyphenom

The fact that Campbell is still on YouTube - when everyone else has been tossed - is very telling.

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He is controlled opposition.

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He pushed the covid DeathVax for ages.

Even me, who has no medical training, knew not to take it.

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May 14Liked by biologyphenom

John Campbell is quite convincing, but right from the beginning when he went for the vaccine I couldn't understand him.

I have very limited medical knowledge but was very skeptical. Why did he have no skepticism whatsoever?

Then he claimed....'new information '

Hmmm doesn't wash.

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Quite right. I knew by June 2020 what was coming down the line having at last understood about the fraud of vaccines etc. There John Campbell was enthusiastically pushing the vaccines whilst I was saying 'No!'.

Sadly though it was necessary to have a world wide vaccine trial to expose the fraud that has been going on for many decades. People would not have woken up if it had not happened this way.


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May 13·edited May 13Liked by biologyphenom

I think you do have a pretty clear idea why and you said it right there.

It's not just exaggerating the dangers "from the virus", for which there was precisely none, that is at stake here it is the entire "Covid" narrative and all of its tentacles.

Take the largest "health freedom" outfit in the US, and the world I believe, RFK's Children's Health Defense. The entire edifice for this organization and RFK's credibility are now dependent on the "Wuhan lab leak", "gain of function" BS and such reportage as we are seeing here illustrates beyond a shadow of a doubt that this GoF narrative is complete bunk.

And this has been pointed out directly to those at the highest positions of CHD (for over two years BTW) and they have chosen to dismiss/ignore such evidence as they know it destroys the story they would have everyone believe.

They know darn well of the barbarism in the nursing homes and hospitals and how that disrupts their claim of "viral pandemic" caused by GoF pathogen.

It is not, "as if", it is what they are doing. Currently such organizations and individuals that sit atop the alleged "health freedom movement" are THE biggest impediment to widespread understanding of what actually happened in 2020 (and beyond) and they are the most dishonest of all in my view.

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Superb comment ! Couldn't agree more ! Very depressing which is why getting this sort of information circulated more widely is crucial !

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I disengaged once I determined they were a net harm to the cause of waking people up to the horrific prospects imminently to be imposed.

It’s not conspiracy theory.

There is a conspiracy. There’s nothing theoretical about it.

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Hi Mike, did you see this testimony ? See highlighted parts in red.


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Yes, horrifying, and of course the wretched media isn’t relaying any of it. Not that this surprises any of us.

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See my latest compilation added.

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May 14Liked by biologyphenom

Correct Mike, buy from us, we'll save ya.

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May 13Liked by biologyphenom

💯 percent correct.

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Jun 24Liked by biologyphenom

"The entire edifice for this organization and RFK's credibility are now dependent on the 'Wuhan lab leak', "'ain of function' BS"

Have you been listening to JJ Couey? I have and he makes a lot of sense.

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Yes, i like JJ. I'd like to see him cover more of the Scottish inquiry as i added other compilation clips. The Wuhan lab leak is another lie. Governments simply co-ordinated with pharma and WHO to cull their populations.

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Jun 24Liked by biologyphenom

I have followed this since the start but Couey had me questioning the RFK show. As did Alison McDowell, do you know her? You seem to have been alert earlier than I was. The worst thing is to follow false prophets. It makes me feel doubly the fool. Where do you place your trust or hope?

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Last point, you have to do your own research. The global avoidance of Scottish COVID inquiry is very revealling.

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A very peculiar head scratcher indeed.. what explains why folks who claim to stand on the side of humanity, truth and freedom observe a ring of silence around narrative busting evidence like blue wall of silence protecting bad cops. I never try to guess why folks act as they do but sure as heck see when their actions show their words stink like week old fish.

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I am blocked by most ''freedom groups'' in Scotland over this including Scottish Family Party would you believe ! The Scottish COVID inquiry really does for me demonstrate who is genuine being a COVID skeptic and who is not.

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May 13Liked by biologyphenom

I don't understand why "freedom groups" are behaving like this. What's going on? John Campbell spends most of his air time highlighting excess deaths and the likely reasons for them - how are these testimonies any different? Shall we mob post links to this page on his YouTube videos?

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Please do that vs his youtube and twitter feed @Johnincarlisle

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May 13Liked by biologyphenom

I'm not on Twitter but will go right to YouTube...

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May 14Liked by biologyphenom

If you don't understand why there are meddlers in the freedom movement, have a listen to JJ Couey's latest video, which includes this compilation and puts it in a wider context: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2144741803

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Thanks for the link

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May 14·edited May 14

This isn’t directed at you Rosemary, just watched the first part of this and from what I saw it appears Couey needs to pull his head in …(at 52 minutes) claiming that the ‘no virus’ crew should have come out calling iatrogenic deaths in 2021 instead of no virus and that they therefore are as bad as Malone and Corey.

We are in 2024 and people to this day aren’t acknowledging that many were murdered and are still being murdered by pharmacists, doctors and nurses who continue to inject and hand out anti-life treatments for fictitious pathogens that have been promoted and embedded as truth for the last 100 years.

He works for RFK jr…. why didn’t they ‘CHD’ call out iatrogenic deaths in 2021? Is it because they need to keep the virus lie alive?

Sad times indeed.

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May 14Liked by biologyphenom

May I suggest you watch the rest? JJ is calling out all of those who are still not talking about the 2020 iatrogenic deaths (aka medical murders) including his former employers. All those who claim to be truth tellers but are conveniently omitting this subject are the ones who need to examine whether they have been hoodwinked into being a limited hangout (unless of course they know full well the reason this subject was off the table).

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Perhaps, Professor, the consistently-elided scale of iatrogenic harms may be owing, in part, to the manner in which widespread revelation of them illuminated the utter banality of such practices.

By this, I mean that indifference is the norm, rather than the exception, and the induced irrational fear that overlaid all else, accentuated that aspect of "care," rendering it visible to millions, together and almost simultaneously. Typically, such visibility is an individual matter.

Everything costs and everyone pays. I cannot address what happens in the homogenized remittance environments of centralized medical care management, but over here across the pond, the correlation of indifference with remuneration stands in stark relief against the background of ordinary human misery.

The odds are very much in favor of your being spot-on in your speculation of the primary motivation for ignoring the inquiry. At least, they are in favor based on the historical accuracy of your prognostications and analyses.

No Amnesty

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Covid was a bioweapon created and funded by the US government.

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Those who understand the great harms that come from the "vaccine" antigen spike the body is programmed to make (1 to 3 trillion per injection) and the harms from the mRNA platform lipid nano-particle - these

Often fail to properly understand the "slow kill" harms from sars-cov-2. see Walter M Chesnut from WMC Research <wmcresearch@substack.com> for a "starter" look at that science

and even more often these fail to appreciate REAL "BASIC PREVENTION" of infection.

No such thing as "mild covid"

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Re: Americans? Because election.

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May 13Liked by biologyphenom

That was hard to watch, animals have more protection than what was given to the vulnerable elderly or people who had comprised health either mental or physical. The shocking thing in all of these people's testimonies is that it is obvious the system killed their relatives not the virus. They isolated them, denied relatives contact and when distress and anxiety set in because of neglect they quietened them down with end of life sedation. It is like listening to testimony coming out of Germany in the 1930s, utterly shocking and shameful.

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May 13·edited May 13Author

Indeed and i've yet to feel confident the families understand the severtity of these restrictions on the health of their already frail relatives. ''COVID'' still seems to linger as being responsible.

'' It is like listening to testimony coming out of Germany in the 1930s, utterly shocking and shameful.''

Which in my latest testimony analysis the comparison to 1930's Germany was mentioned SEVERAL TIMES in the witness statement. See highlighted parts in red. https://biologyphenom.substack.com/p/scottish-covid-19-inquiry-impact-554

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May 13Liked by biologyphenom

I absolutely agree and that why it is so important to listen to the testimonies and for you to document them because it lays bare without the talker realising the awfulness of the response to this virus (whatever it was). They often blame covid but inadvertently they reveal that it was the response from the system that took over and killed their relatives.

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May 13·edited May 13Author

The frightening reality of all this is if I did NOT do this no on in the WORLD would be reporting on it in such depth and detail ! Literally the biggest truth bombs of the 'COVID' years....that actually terrifies me. The ''alternative'' media are a bad joke now ! I'm also blocked my most 'freedom' accounts in Scotland for calling them out over this !

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I know the feeling, by analogy.

Other than me, no one anywhere has systematically laid out the numerous, independent, unnecessary and obvious mechanisms of toxicity built into every gene based injection.

This observation alone proves the event was planned and this faked, as well as revealing motives.

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May 13·edited May 13Liked by biologyphenom

Control opposition comes to mind here, wether some of these ‘alternative media agents or accounts’ are aware of it or are being misled by infiltrated players in key positions 😒

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The Germany connection is all too real as history is truly repeating itself and with the same protagonists. The Nazis did not go away but moved into a more profitable sideline.


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“…it is obvious the system killed their relatives not the virus”.

The medical ‘profession’ collaborated with this…


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Snake oil salesmen working both sides of the street, imo Elizabeth. Cheap "protocols" now on sale for hundreds of the ill informed, ignorant mugs dollars.

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May 13Liked by biologyphenom

For goodness sake THIS DID NOT NEED MUSIC ! It’s hard enough to hear this important message

Never forget the government scared people to such a catastrophic, unnecessary degree even though they KNEW the death rate was not as bad as they anticipated…..CRIMINALS

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May 13Liked by biologyphenom

I wholeheartedly agree.

The music was inappropriate, especially the uplifting one used at the end.

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May 13Liked by biologyphenom

Extremely powerful and shocking video - but the music sadly makes it unsharable. Just my opinion but for me it is a constant distraction when trying to listen to the folk testifying in this, otherwise, excellent video. Thanks

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Thanks, i asked half a dozen people before uploading and it was not an issue for them. I can share a video without music if you would like ?

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May 13Liked by biologyphenom

Yes please, I would really appreciate it, I’d like to share it with relatives and friends but I know the background music is a distraction especially for some of my older relatives and friends who have issues with poor hearing.

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Ask and ye shall receive. DONE ! Substack updated.

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May 13Liked by biologyphenom

Thanks - that's really helpful.

Music is always a bad idea for something like this, imo. We aren't watching a film and we don't need any mood-enhancing noise that may mean something to the person who chose it but nothing to the rest of us. I am sick of governments manipulating people's emotions and want to stay well clear of it!

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Fair points i will take them on board !

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It would be better if the video with music was removed.

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Agree....what was the purpose of a soundtrack. What it did was to undermine the content! Soothing music? ( if that is how it was imagined) ....struck a wrong note. The testimonies were indictments of criminality- they needed to be heard in silence. They were hard to listen to....as one of the witnesses said, it was about peoplecas individuals not statistics. No doubt the computer modellers have little thought of real people.

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May 13·edited May 13Author

Thanks, it sounds fine to me as it's just an instrumental. I'm 50/50 with or without music. It's just a personal preferance i have.

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I’ve long ago reached the distressing conclusion that most of those claiming to be in the same side as most of us, simply aren’t.

Whether that is because of threats, bribes or a belief in the inherent correctness of what they’re doing, I have no idea.

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There are a few other considerations.

One is the obvious opportunism angle.

The other is what some people won't face which is that some of these "health freedom" leaders have been placed in these positions through intelligence agencies and that is who they work for and with. One doesn't live in reality if they think this doesn't and hasn't happened.

Think NGO's-COINTELPRO for the Covid Operation.

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Indeed. I have my own tally sheet. Several American names and the odd European & U.K. name appears on it. Guesses, of course.

In addition, several who I don’t think we preplanned but volunteered, became compromised along the way. Threats or bribes, or both, I guess.

They know better than to try that with me.

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This should not be a surprise to anyone. This was going on all over the world from the very beginning. Those of us in the know were screaming at the top of our lungs and we got censored so severely, hardly anyone knows what went on in hospitals in Scotland and in, eg NYC where I'm from and and most familiar with. They were diagnosing COVID-19 in everyone who came in and slapping them on (positive pressure) ventilators. 85% died even though we told them it was the wrong treatment for a vascular endotheliitis with micro clotting. Read Part I of "SANCTIONED: The COVID Murders" coming out soon, shortly followed by Parts 2 - 5. EVERYTHING is explained with documentation and pictures of the perpetrators. Then we need to get the public interested in prosecuting them.

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What is COVID-19?

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Yes, what IS COVID-19?!

Can this actually be defined as a unique disease worthy of a global mass population ‘vaccine solution’?

According to an Australian government website: https://www.health.gov.au/topics/covid-19/about


The symptoms of COVID-19 can range from mild to severe. Some people recover easily while others get very sick. If you have COVID-19 you can experience:

* fever

* coughing

* sore throat

* shortness of breath.

Some people do not experience any symptoms (are asymptomatic) but can still pass on the virus.

COVID-19 can affect anyone, but is especially serious for:

* older people

* people with underlying medical conditions

* pregnant people.



Fever, coughing, sore throat, shortness of breath…

Common symptoms!

And where does the famous blood clotting fit into this?

Millions/billions of people reportedly injected against this so-called disease…including over two million children in Australia…


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May 14·edited May 14

If you remember in the beginning, it was less than that, no symptoms required, just a positive result to a fake test. Actually it is still happening…. once someone has passed for any reason there are still ‘drs’ testing at death.

No virus required, contagion has never been proven.

Once you see it, you can’t unsee it - eliminate the virus and you will find the many other reasons for disease/death as we can clearly see in this video.

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It's an ICD code. That's it.

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A positive result to a fake PCR test.

All they needed was a positive result and they would keep testing till they got one or otherwise they would put them on the alternate death pathway protocol.

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Yes its murder by covid gene editing injections, then by hospital protocols. Carehomes and hospitals were incentivized to end of life as many as possible. Thank you for trying.

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It’s not clear who’s job this is.

I’m never the detailed numbers person myself.

I’ve warned about the how & it’s evil absurdity since 2020.

I first focussed on the ridiculous use of mass PCR testing in 2020.

From late 2020 to the present. We / I warned of injuries and deaths expected from injections designed to injure & kill.

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May 13Liked by biologyphenom

Thank you Mike for your courage to keep calling a spade a spade. I have been following you and hold you in high regard since you wrote about the PCR test in 2020. You and others such as Sasha have confirmed my initial gut feeling over time and have not let me completely despair. :-)

Keep up the good work.

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Has Sasha talked about the murders in New York and how else the death numbers were generated? I'd love to know that she has.

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Not as far as I know. But she also clearly states that there was no "dangerous/mutating virus" and, accordingly, no pandemic.

The fact that PCR tests, isolation, ventilators and face masks were and are useless is self-evident.

As long as people believe in this basic narrative, there will never be any investigation into the many deaths in hospitals & care homes, because most people simply believe that "it had to be done because of the dangerous virus".

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May 14Liked by biologyphenom

Hi I'm Kirsty Miller a silenced Acute medical Nurse, I spoke up about the harm and lost all my platforms, was threatened and I believe intentionally harmed to warn me to stay quiet. I was speaking out before any of these 'drs'. I question who the heck are these people and why shut real Nurses down. We have been lied to and set up by this shambles of a freedom movement. Each time I made progress my vision and research was taken. These freedom leaders refuse to communicate with us yet shout about unity!

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Hi Kirsty, thanks for speaking out ! I saw your video on youtube. I'm blocked on X by most of the Freedom Groups in Scotland. Blocked also by Scottish Family Party over their failure to show an interest in the inquiry testimonies

What are your thougts on the following ? Ms.Roberts has also blocked me on twitter btw as i said why no whistleblowing on empty wards in 2020 and 'vaccine' injury poist 2021?


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May 14Liked by biologyphenom

Hey! Doesnt surprise me, yip they blocked me and ignore me aswell. I was in the world council for health and knew quickly they were not who they declare! I stood for election with the fredom alliance party! All fake! All echo chambers! Do not trust Lesley Roberts one bit! I questioned her and she messed up the nice guideline protocols. Funny how she's in the papers, yet the lightpaper( which is controlled aswell) wouldn't even print my plea, I had to write it myself while my identity was taken as in my handle on tiktok as ' the nurse who asked questions '. A nurse sent me your link and said, have you seen this! I said why bother even the scottish vaccine I jury group has blocked me! No one sees it accept those awake and those injuries. This is hidden from the rest of thd world. We need the real folk making the change. I trust my intuition now! All my videos on the empty wards, the vaccine injuries, they have all been destroyed x

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Thanks, i agree with everything you say. I would also add due to my work and a few others the Scottish COVID inquiry is really starting to gain more and more attention and why wouldn't it such is the extreme nature of the testimony ?! So not all hope is lost but it sure is a David and Goliath battle but hey look who won that fight ?! For anyone that was paying attention you are Scotland's only and original whistleblower nurse and no-one can take that away from you ! Your nurse friend maybe interested in the following. https://biologyphenom.substack.com/p/scottish-covid-19-inquiry-impact-554

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May 14Liked by biologyphenom

We have to keep going and delivering our truth in our communities. Thank you so much for your words. I stood by my oath and have no shame. Now the truth is being told x

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May 13Liked by biologyphenom

Please take a look at the Canadian version

"The National Citizens Inquirery"

It's also been ignored!


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Yes i followed that it was very good but NOT an offical inquiry as in Scotland. I would'nt say it's been ignored as they have a social media presence with many clips posted unlike Scottish inquiry where it is me and 1 other guy from Scotland trying to raise awareness

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May 13Liked by biologyphenom

So grateful for this - sans music or not. Heartbreaking testimony. Please share this as the conspiracy of silence around the consequences of government policy is deeply entrenched. These are dreadful accounts of the cruel headless diktats pouring out of Downing Street which were literally killing our grannies and loved ones. This was and is compounded by lie after lie after lie. Whitehall partied while this took place….just following orders ?

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May 14Liked by biologyphenom

Meanwhile the US "Covid Inquiry" focuses on scapegoating Daszak and Baric to distract from and protect the real criminals and any focus on theie crimes. Are Daszak and Baric doing sketchy research that should be examined carefully? Yes. Did they "create the pandemic?" No way. Fantasy. Bad movie script material. Which is exactly why the public buys it.

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Spot on !! Do your best to spread awareness of Scottish inquiry. What i have uploaded here is NOT EVERYTHING. There are more shocking admissions in relation to care home managers and other NGOs. Compilation coming soon !

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May 14Liked by biologyphenom

Thanks so much for removing the music! And thanks for this documentation - just watched JJ Couey's teaching session which included this. It needs to go around the world for all to see.

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May 14·edited May 14Author

No problem and thanks for watching ! Do you have a link to JJ Couey session ?

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May 14Liked by biologyphenom

Glad you liked it: here's the link again for other readers: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2144741803

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These harrowing testimonies correlate exactly to my aunt’s hospitalisation here in Wales during Spring 2020. I’ll provide links below:-


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May 13Liked by biologyphenom

It’s all very disturbing & harrowing listening to all of them. I do hope there will be consequences for all those involved in the deaths of those people. It’s bad enough killing one person but killing thousands is genocide and the consequences should be very harsh. Very sad.

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The silence surrounding this scandal is as deafening as the sense of shame felt be the perpetrators. The same things happened here in the Netherlands. I bet the cause of death was mostly, if not always, proven or suspected COVID-19. Maybe the decisions to offer palliative care were genuine attempts to avert unnecessary suffering but I suspect in most cases the end-of-life treatment was effectively euthanasia which in the Netherlands is permitted under certain circumstances. In any event, this approach to tackling COVID-19 actually amounted to a cruel and unusual punishment for an infectious disease and was wholly counter to our common understanding of care of the sick.

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May 13Liked by biologyphenom


And just further highlighting the whitewash coverup of the English so called “Inquiry “

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May 13·edited May 13Author

Sadly even in Scotland the pre-determined conclusions will be the same. Lockdown harder/faster, provide 'better' PPE for staff, more testing for the next 'pandemic.'. This is an underlying theme throughout. Unless enough people make sufficient notice about what these testimonies really represent the ptb will not change course.

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It’s the same playbook around the world, who is actually pulling the strings on all this?

Start with who is actually running the Fives Eyes countries… The US, UK, Australia, Canada and New Zealand.

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I'm listening and reminded me of this article- children with disabilities put on DNR - so they wouldn't be a burden on the health system during "covid". https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10346479/GPs-offered-teenage-patients-learning-disabilities-not-resuscitate-orders.html

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See testimony by chief executive Downs Syndrome Scotland.


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Thanks I will listen... I was a welfare worker and fired for mandates in Australia. Myself and other welfare workers put together a whole stack of evidence on how people were being harmed due to government covid measures. I sent this compilation through to the Australian covid 19 inquiry. They put up my written introduction to the video on their submission page, and broke the link to the video. They won't fix it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jQtjSi_gbUU&t=2023s

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Well done! You can hold your head high!! These harms would have been the same the world over in lockdown countries. Crimes against humanity!!


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