Jun 13Liked by biologyphenom

Thank you for all you have done and are doing. I can barely watch the videos because it just makes me cry and get even angrier, but I make myself watch to honour the witnesses and you for the trauma you must go through doing what you do, with hardly any recognition. I hope and pray that your work here will one day form evidence for these evil bastards to get prison. What can someone like me do to help? Thanks again. You are a good man🙏

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Thanks Rhoda. Just share the page and in this case the highlights video anywhere you can. Yes it's really shocking stuff. Hard to watch ! On the trailer video you will see i end it with the fact despite these lockdown harms and more MSPs voted in 2022 to renew the coronavirus recovery and reform bill into permanent law so they can lockdown again in future. Insanely evil !! https://www.gov.scot/news/coronavirus-recovery-and-reform-bill-passed/

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Jun 13Liked by biologyphenom

I will Share and talk to anyone who listens, cos lots of people dont want to listen, but I will still talk. Thanks again 🙏

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You have to try and warn people especially in Scotland. This can happen again very quickly !

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I know. 👍

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I noted you are a retired mental health nurse..in Scotland?

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Jun 13Liked by biologyphenom

Yes. Retired community psychiatric nurse 2015. Then NHS Fife bank nurse until Feb 20 when shit show kicked off. Stopped taking shifts then intending to return once it was all over. About to return in May 20 and masks got broughr in and I had a bad feeling about jags coming. I refused to wear masks especially as mental health nurse knowing damage to mental and physical health. When I went to revalidate in 21 hadnt enough practise hours to re register. I had been helping ex patients in my community during lockup but they wouldnt accept these hours. So came off register then. Tbh I hate the NHS now do am glad am not part if it. But miss my job so much

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Devastating - yet strangely calm. Actually my own son was 25 in early 2020, an adult with complex needs and autism living with us, and his world - small as it was - crumbled. Its important to look at adults with autism too. He is now finally being seen by psychology services, as he stays up all night, and sleeps all day. He used to have a lively social life - films , concerts, eating out, holidays, gym, family visits - now that has almost all vanished. I agree that this anxiety is probably permanent damage. The lockdowns were the last thing we needed - and of course we all had Covid and it was quite trivial, so this was maximum pain for minimal gain.

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All that social stuff is crucial to people with support needs. It was deliberately wirhdrawn. ''Protecting the vulnerable'' was another lie unless they meant from life and common sense?

I've never had COVID can i ask how did you distinguish it from anything else one may come down with in years pre 2020 ?

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We probably had it in late Dec 2019 the first time - loss of taste, feeling nausea, etc - my cigars tasted foul and I quit - for good! Otherwise it was no different from the flu really - very similar symptoms, for a week, but milder than flu. Then we had it again in 2022, and we know because of the symptoms plus the Lateral flow tests - we all tested positive. Its really not a problem to most people, and we never needed medical help etc.

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Thanks. I've heard similar. I guess my point is without any testing everyone would have just assumed bad cold or a flu, no mass panic, recovered and life would go on?

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