There is no logic unless you follow the money and look at a pre planned ghastly global solution.

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Directed evolution. Kill off the weak, feeble and demented.

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Julian Huxley actually :) essay from early 1960s

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Yeah it's all admitted they don't hide what they are

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JJ and the Ohmies found their whole philosoohy laid out here: "Man and His Future," 1963 Ciba Conference with Hilary Koprowski and Joshua Lederberg among the participants. Food production, resources, disease, eugenics and genetics are discussed. Searchable and downloadable.


Huxley's essay is the first one.

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Ah Dave, this is so powerful! Who is the woman at the beginning of the video? She’s saying exactly as I said in 2020 but was more or less dismissed. I couldn’t find anybody to support me in all the health and social care organisations that I was involved with yet it seems now they’re all in agreement?! I left my professional organisation last week after 4 years of being more or less ignored by them and got an email from the CEO in Scotland telling me that they’re sorry to see me go because we’re on the same page! It’s very frustrating to hear because it all could have been stopped if they wanted but why am I still trying to find logic when there is none.

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The woman is Julia Jones, co-founder of John's Campaign.


Some people don't want this to stop. They'd have to admit they are useless idiots and have caused people gross harm. Society is completely fractured now despite all the evidence being made available.

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Covid? No. “Covid” is a euphemism for RADIATION, and too strong at that. But the JABS, with the huge amounts of aluminum, mercury, and other highly toxic stuff, could well be the cause of some of the dementia AND some of the deaths.

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