"comment if you care." Well, I think people do care but in their own private and usually silent ways.

I certainly care about the underlying causes of this debacle and I have been trying to understand them for a few years and produce proposals for reducing the risk of this happening again. I've found it very frustrating that people don't engage much but that's just the way people are (something that needs to change if we're to avoid a repeat).

Thank you for the effort you've already made.

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Thanks Jim. Don't forget LIKE and SHARE. ;-) No doubt this is a tough topic and reality to be confronting but my befuddlement is vs those with the ability to reach millions as 'outspoken COVID' critics. Nowhere in sight.

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Here is the reason why all this happened. It is all here https://odysee.com/@LongXXvids:c/David-Hughes-on-Corona-Ausschuss:3

The immense trauma caused by all of this is a crime. It should be addressed in a public way. It is not OK that society remains silent about this. This was like a Holocaust, one in which more than 31 million people died globally. It was a war on people (which is ongoing) and needs to be recognised as a crime. The perpetrators need to be identified and brought to justice.

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''It is not OK that society remains silent about this.''

-Hear hear!!

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I think that 'society' is waking up (but not in Europe or the UK yet).

It's a slow process but events in Argentina and the USA where democracies elected leaders to expose these goings on have set a precedent. We can only hope that they succeed and that their success is catching.

BTW thanks to Howard Steen for the link from which I was able to download Dr Hughes' book (https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-031-41850-1).

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Yeah but if Trump and co were legit they'd be calling out 'the pandemic' and jabs. Instead they are continuing the nonsense with lab leak hypothesis and A.I mRNA cancer vaccines.

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I think you don't do Twitter which is unfortunate. Was thinking maybe the easiest thing would be for HART to place these videos up on Twitter in a daily campaign. As you know, we've been a bit bogged down with the People's Vaccine Inquiry and have been doing daily posts with that which have had quite a lot of traction. So should be able to start doing on Monday week

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I'm very glad to be off Twitter tbh. Yes, a good idea. See @GeoFio8 account on X who posts alot of great clips from Scottish and UK inquiries and barely get's any support from the big names like Neil Oliver DESPITE copying them ALL in for months and months. You can also support @TheRustler83. I good place to start would be for HART to repost this with a comment on what's going on and is this evidence of a pandemic or something else? https://x.com/geofio8/status/1881377965998841939?s=61 and also worth same attention https://x.com/geofio8/status/1871279016511942727?s=61 and https://x.com/geofio8/status/1874161255897829743?s=46

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With your excellent substacks, do you have the video clips downloaded somewhere so I can upload them directly to Twitter? Direct message me so hopefully we can find a way to make this work.

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If you can highlight this evidence too. https://x.com/geofio8/status/1874161255897829743?s=46

The consultant said: ''More people are dying in homes because they are not allowed to see their loved ones than are dying of COVID.''

HART/UKMFA need to start calling out the pandemic narrative advertised has been a grotesque distortion of the reality on the ground and that the vast majortity of excess deaths were due to lockdown whether COVID was real or not. I've not seen any evidence for it only propaganda.

‘By April 2020, Scottish Care was starting to hear from in its members that the three main diagnostic symptoms of COVID-19 (continuous cough, high temperature and a fever) were not illustrative of how COVID-19 was presenting in older people.’’

-Dr.Donald Macaskill-Chief Executive-Scottish Care- Paragraph 27 of statement

I think his evidence as over 2 sessions is well worth getting out there.



It has to be considered the cruelty inflicted by the gov/public 'health' was VERY deliberate not a mistake given it went on for so long. Staff clearly 'just followed orders' and people were genuinely terrified of COVID thanks to the media. https://biologyphenom.substack.com/p/newscottish-covid-19-inquiryhealth-48e

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Brilliant thanks! I suppose if you see anything in my substack you want to highlight on X i can send you download links. That's not a problem. It helps alot if commentary is provided for a clip vs just a repost.

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great. Liz from UKMFA and I for HART are making a list of clips and then we are going to aim to do a daily Tweet copied to all and sundry with hopefully some traction

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Glad to hear it! Their is a wealth of material available. Remember there are X links at the bottom of many substacks but not all and also many more clips in notes. Adam Stachura is another powerful testimony. Adam responded positively to appearing on GBN he may also respond positively to a request for an interview for podcast with UKMFA.



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Get a countrywide/worldwide poster campaign on the go!? Simple posters with hard hitting facts and links to information!? Just today I stuck a poster up and I saw a lady looking at it and doing something----I thought she has ripped it down. While later I passed and poster still there and I reckon she had been taking a photograph as it has a link to ELDERLY DEATHS etc!

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Thanks as ever for another important substack.

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What do you think is important about it?

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Dave, why on earth would you alienate your allies? As I’ve said before, your work is brilliant but as Jim said, we’ll manage this in our own ways and if that differs from what you expect, it’s not because we don’t care. I’m sorry to say that you’re messing with my head.

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Thing is, i don't have many if any allies in popular 'freedom' circles. eg-How many of those big names have liked or restacked ANY posts from Scottish inquiry past 15 months on my substack? Enough said really. As for 'alientating' people...i've reached out to every major 'alt' media platform and influencer/group the past 18 months over the Scottish inquiry and for the most part have been ignored. Those that did cover it gave up with limited or no follow ups. Forgotten about. A tick box exercise aka 'saving face' otherwise they would be covering it consistently. Its also highly likely most of the names here will not like or restack this post for instance. So who is really doing the alienating? Truth is if anything has been alienated by those outspoken with big platforms it is the information i am posting about. I simply ask why. A fair question. Never had an answer but i do bizarrely get flak for asking it. I believe the evidence i post about is worth more than an extremely rare like or restack on substack by the popular COVID critics, don't you? People should also spend less time questioning those doing the exposing (for free) and more vs those who don't and even when shown STILL won't especially as they have the ability to reach millions. It is what it is i don't loose sleep over it but someone has to point this out and keep things grounded. The whole point of like, share and comment if you care is self explanatory as i unfortunately cannot read minds, not yet. :-D

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I guess we’ll have to agree to disagree on how we approach this Dave. I’ll always ‘like’ but rarely if ever restack on Substack which I can’t help feeling is preaching to the converted. However, you’ll never see how much the work you’ve done informs what I share with colleagues and health and social care organisations which in my view is far more important than a like and share on Substack. All I would say is keep up the good work and let people make their own decisions as to how they use it.

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No problem. Overall though my approach has been successful and this is about the information from inquiry not me or you. I'll just add though as another example Neil Oliver covered the following 28 June 2024 on GBN where he was informed of the HSC closing statements for the first time. This was the last time he covered Scottish inquiry. That's extraordinary to me! Why didn't he want to know more? That's what baffles me. How people can dip in and then forget about it when it's an ONGOING inquiry.


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My favorite parts of Covid:


We are done with modern medicine;

we’re done with these fools for doctors; and we are done with the pile of shit they dove themselves into.

Let them study that.


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