Those talking points are diametrically opposite to the actuality I witnessed. The one true statement is, "THEY'RE" ready whenever the next pandemic is [ready] ...and you bes'believe, "that" batter's on time-bake like a cake in the oven. Funny but not funny.
Thank you for sticking with this to give the regular updates. I must confess, I couldn't have sat through all that BS and self back-patting to tell the plebs how well they had worked for us in the face of a mythical illness. I can't believe that they are not looking at all the evidence coming out of USA which contradicts the narrative that this Inquiry was telling us. There never was a novel SARS-CoV-2 virus, there never was a pandemic, the injections given to people were done so under under subterfuge and not with full informed consent. We ought to be like Canada where they can have Citizens Inquiries which are not led by the Govt. The English and Scottish ones had a pre-determined result be for they heard the first witness.
Indeed, but with Govt-appointed lead and interviewers/counsel. I'm not convinced of the impartiality of the result based upon the phrase 'the victor writes the story'. For me, there will always be suspicion about the result when the team in charge is very unlikely to allow their side to be criticised or found at fault. My heart goes out to all those who gave evidence, which now provides us with the overview of what a horror show it all was. I'm in England. Both my in-laws died in care home settings. My wife, being in the NHS, was able to have some discreet contact with her mother and father under controlled conditions up to their deaths. FiL died of a long-standing cancer. MiL had dementia but met her end fed (we discovered later) on Mdz and Morphine. This was mass murder across the country in order to give the impression of a pandemic (which it never was). So, I am furious at the lies, obfuscation and efforts to appear to have been 'in it with us' by Govt officials. They are never going to admit their duplicitous activities. Again, thank you for your efforts to keep us all informed, I really do appreciate it.
I largely feel the same way but the point i try to make it that the real truth to COVID is the responsibility of the people not those that are complicit. That would be extremely unrealistic given the seriousness of what has transpired. You'd never want to admit to any of that. It's also mind numbing to see so many popular 'awake' people/groups etc complain about xyz on COVID when all this OFFICIAL information has been laid at their feet for months. I ask them what more would you like people to say?
I'm going to correct you there never was a "complelty" novel sarsco2 virus. it was only 25% Novel. most of us have already had multiple common colds coroamvirues infection before, but the etie lanet just forgot that. this is basic cross reactive immunity 101, and the entire lanet of experts "forgot" how that situation works. the research showed it true immediately, an then over 5 years , they kept "discovering" that over an over an over. with no ability ailty to do their own background research. anyone like myself, Marc Girardot or Dr Bhakdi who tried totel you all, all got complelty informed and treated like sit, because we are "gifted truth bearers".
while CONSPIRACY theorists spent 2 years talking about flu, wrong virus, and constantly asking where flu disappeared to, wen they could have just checked the words respiratory virus surveillance reports to answer that dumb ass question themselves.
so th inquiry, should conclude, that the entries planet turned into a bunch of dumb ass morons who could do basic science and immunolgy, except about 10 of us. of which I am by far the smartest.
I suppose those who have read this read should be really grateful for your injection into this thread. I, for one, hadn't realised that someone of such high intellect, yet questionable grammar and spelling, was in our midst. That said, unless you are a Pleiadean, you are a remarkable purveyor of BS. You make no mention of the poisonous products being used at the time of the scamdemic, which is from where the whole thing kicked off.
I don't think I'm a paladin. the evidence suggests that I must be "chief Lightworrior" or such like. bit I'm a scientist not religious, and I'm not getting voices or guidance per se, so I'm winging it, as the wolds last Scientist with a working brain, trying to save the world as having a amazing time using inspiring sci fi stuff. we could be in the battle between archons and the intergalactic federation o ligjtworriors, in which case, somehow they have gifted me, and I've made a fleet of digital battleships in the matrix currently flying to smash into Dr Clare Craig's head, cos she is a scientist with the gift too.and she became religious. but she's like th other experts, can't communicate.
feel free to jump over to my articles, channel, data dump me your back story and your theory on what's happening in our reality, I shall take it under consideration, join our crew, and let's go make some noise!
the conspiracy army spread dangerous misinformation, the experts spread dangerous misinformation information, the religious spread dangerous misinformation, and the spiritualists, spread dangerous misinformation.
I admire the work and time which has gone into this post. Clearly someone has to expose the TRUTH as the rest of the nation is now beginning to realise it. ALL phased clinical drug trials cause damage !! ( phase 1 - esp require healthy bodies to trash with increasing toxicity levels ) That’s how the system gleans big Pharma FUNDS! The vaccine was NOT a fully licensed & safe drug, hence anyone who tries to deny this, is merely part of the big pharma abuse system for PROFITS ! Keep up the great research !
It makes my heart sink, the pandemic tale is being completed, we have the heroes and heroines in the NHS who saved us during the deadly pandemic. The vaccines rescued us all from mass deaths and it could not have been done without our governments covid measures. They made mistakes but in the next crisis they will do it quicker, harder and this time they will make sure the vulnerable are given their "special" attention. I am sorry but I cannot listen to their theatre of lies the most troubling in all of this is they do not care that people know they are lying, they surge ahead regardless.
''They made mistakes but in the next crisis they will do it quicker, harder and this time they will make sure the vulnerable are given their "special" attention.''
I admire your fortitude in sitting through this material and picking it apart for our benefit. I couldn't sit through that speech without distracting myself a bit by doing the dishes. It was pure politics and deflection, full of management buzzwords like 'pivot', and all the usual tropes about multiculturalism, fairness equalities, blah , blah. I wonder how that KC feels about having to read out such a disgraceful tract. One positive thing it did was remind me to be wary of anything emerging from our useless Scottish 'government' about so-called pandemics. I need a lie-down.
It seems the authorities have learned nothing. Just try doing it again and see what happens this time. Because 80% complied as they believed the lying money making scum. 20% looked into it and refused to comply. Now we are at 80% non compliance and millions furious they're sick or lost relatives. My daughters dad died after AstraZeneca, blood clot to his brain. I know another who had the same and of 3 deaths from rapid cancer in 2022. Two young nurses. I feel war is comi g of they carry on.
thy know perfectly well 80% will refuse next time, so obviously they will use a much more serious bioweapon next time. 10 to 40% mortality. those wo don comply will get hit fist and be blamed, THEN jabs will be forced as a result of the carnage.
all the prices are moving into place, that should be obvious toyouall by now.
the cock is ticking, an none o your meme shraring and virtue signalling ,that never worked last time, is going to save you.
Another dangerous, brainwashed, moron promoting the worst injection in the history of man. The vaccine injured and bereaved should be let loose on such people. The whole orchestrated plandemic and resulting 'vaccines' were and continue to be crimes against humanity and those who pushed the jabs should be held to account and jailed at best.
Dear @biologyphenom especially but also your readers, we are holding a meeting in central London on Tuesday afternoon, live linked via Zoom to discuss the omissions and misrepresentations. Speakers including those whose statements are presented here RSVP
Thanks for the link. My own focus is around the egregious harms that occured in care homes from 2020 which laid the roots for the pandemic. The fact is most people no longer inject mRNA (eg-80% NHS Scotland staff refused the latest jab) and many more know they are unsafe etc for various reasons, the AWARENESS is there can the same be said for the care homes evidence which calls into question the pandemic itself? 'Freedom' groups have consistently avoided the following like a real plague in favour of other topics particularly the 'vaccines' but at least that's all on record now too.
can I join you and do a presentation? I represent Dr Bhakdi, cambnell, Craig, Weinstein, Burkhart and Girardot in terms o knowing exactly how the mRNA harms.
Even if you just scroll the main points and click on links you can see what they are not discussing therefore who is really spreading the misinformation?
There will be a meeting in central London on Tuesday afternoon held by the People's Vaccine Inquiry team to deal with some of the missing evidence. Speakers will include those who wrote lengthy witness statements for the Inquiry but were then told last month that we would not be called and publication of our statements on the Inquiry website would be at the discretion of Baroness Hallett. Looking at the hearings from the opening statemetns to the closing remarks, it is abundantly clear why we were not allowed to speak but have simply been relegated to the 'misinformation' box. All our statements are here
Ros, did you read all vaccine injury groups witness statements? They were comprehensive. Furthermore you prior said you cannot comment on Scottish COVID inquiry evidence predominantly around care homes as you were a paediatrcian not a geriatrician. Therefore with the same logic should you really be commenting so passionately and consistently about ‘COVID vaccines’ as you are not a vaccinologist? You and many others in the medical 'freedom' space are focusing on the wrong issue by avoiding the care homes evidence (any excuse will do) which exposes the root of the so called pandemic and unlike the ‘vaccines’ the widespread harms are all admitted officially. The following is the ONLY real way to push back against all that was done from 2020.
I am allergic to bullshit and I just came out in hives after reading that.
Next they will say the vaccine also adds 150 years to life expectancy and cures wrinkles and baldness.
Those talking points are diametrically opposite to the actuality I witnessed. The one true statement is, "THEY'RE" ready whenever the next pandemic is [ready] ...and you bes'believe, "that" batter's on time-bake like a cake in the oven. Funny but not funny.
Makes you wonder who the real conspiracy theorists are huh?
Thank you for sticking with this to give the regular updates. I must confess, I couldn't have sat through all that BS and self back-patting to tell the plebs how well they had worked for us in the face of a mythical illness. I can't believe that they are not looking at all the evidence coming out of USA which contradicts the narrative that this Inquiry was telling us. There never was a novel SARS-CoV-2 virus, there never was a pandemic, the injections given to people were done so under under subterfuge and not with full informed consent. We ought to be like Canada where they can have Citizens Inquiries which are not led by the Govt. The English and Scottish ones had a pre-determined result be for they heard the first witness.
Pre-determined results BUT they’ve told people the truth in between especially in Scotland and what is really being done about it? Not alot.
Indeed, but with Govt-appointed lead and interviewers/counsel. I'm not convinced of the impartiality of the result based upon the phrase 'the victor writes the story'. For me, there will always be suspicion about the result when the team in charge is very unlikely to allow their side to be criticised or found at fault. My heart goes out to all those who gave evidence, which now provides us with the overview of what a horror show it all was. I'm in England. Both my in-laws died in care home settings. My wife, being in the NHS, was able to have some discreet contact with her mother and father under controlled conditions up to their deaths. FiL died of a long-standing cancer. MiL had dementia but met her end fed (we discovered later) on Mdz and Morphine. This was mass murder across the country in order to give the impression of a pandemic (which it never was). So, I am furious at the lies, obfuscation and efforts to appear to have been 'in it with us' by Govt officials. They are never going to admit their duplicitous activities. Again, thank you for your efforts to keep us all informed, I really do appreciate it.
I largely feel the same way but the point i try to make it that the real truth to COVID is the responsibility of the people not those that are complicit. That would be extremely unrealistic given the seriousness of what has transpired. You'd never want to admit to any of that. It's also mind numbing to see so many popular 'awake' people/groups etc complain about xyz on COVID when all this OFFICIAL information has been laid at their feet for months. I ask them what more would you like people to say?
I'm going to correct you there never was a "complelty" novel sarsco2 virus. it was only 25% Novel. most of us have already had multiple common colds coroamvirues infection before, but the etie lanet just forgot that. this is basic cross reactive immunity 101, and the entire lanet of experts "forgot" how that situation works. the research showed it true immediately, an then over 5 years , they kept "discovering" that over an over an over. with no ability ailty to do their own background research. anyone like myself, Marc Girardot or Dr Bhakdi who tried totel you all, all got complelty informed and treated like sit, because we are "gifted truth bearers".
while CONSPIRACY theorists spent 2 years talking about flu, wrong virus, and constantly asking where flu disappeared to, wen they could have just checked the words respiratory virus surveillance reports to answer that dumb ass question themselves.
so th inquiry, should conclude, that the entries planet turned into a bunch of dumb ass morons who could do basic science and immunolgy, except about 10 of us. of which I am by far the smartest.
I suppose those who have read this read should be really grateful for your injection into this thread. I, for one, hadn't realised that someone of such high intellect, yet questionable grammar and spelling, was in our midst. That said, unless you are a Pleiadean, you are a remarkable purveyor of BS. You make no mention of the poisonous products being used at the time of the scamdemic, which is from where the whole thing kicked off.
I asked biologyphenomeon to join in but he said he doesn't go out and was doing the dishes, or something.
what's called the "Darkforce INEXPLICABLE great wall of pathetic excuses".
like when John olooney goes to pariment with evidence of blood cos, and he meets the great wall of excuses and nobody will help.
everybody wants to be the captain, nobody wants to support anyone else.
it's yh perfect system of hidden totalitarian control.
I don't think I'm a paladin. the evidence suggests that I must be "chief Lightworrior" or such like. bit I'm a scientist not religious, and I'm not getting voices or guidance per se, so I'm winging it, as the wolds last Scientist with a working brain, trying to save the world as having a amazing time using inspiring sci fi stuff. we could be in the battle between archons and the intergalactic federation o ligjtworriors, in which case, somehow they have gifted me, and I've made a fleet of digital battleships in the matrix currently flying to smash into Dr Clare Craig's head, cos she is a scientist with the gift too.and she became religious. but she's like th other experts, can't communicate.
feel free to jump over to my articles, channel, data dump me your back story and your theory on what's happening in our reality, I shall take it under consideration, join our crew, and let's go make some noise!
Thanks for this. I cannot bear to listen, so I much appreciated the bullet points. Cant find the words to express my feelings that you did all this. 👍
Yeah it's a tough watch but if you click the links in main points you can see who the real spreaders of misinformation and conspiracy theory are.
the conspiracy army spread dangerous misinformation, the experts spread dangerous misinformation information, the religious spread dangerous misinformation, and the spiritualists, spread dangerous misinformation.
you were ALL at it.
I admire the work and time which has gone into this post. Clearly someone has to expose the TRUTH as the rest of the nation is now beginning to realise it. ALL phased clinical drug trials cause damage !! ( phase 1 - esp require healthy bodies to trash with increasing toxicity levels ) That’s how the system gleans big Pharma FUNDS! The vaccine was NOT a fully licensed & safe drug, hence anyone who tries to deny this, is merely part of the big pharma abuse system for PROFITS ! Keep up the great research !
I am th only one exposing the truth.
you soul probably specific WHICH truth, by the way. you've got about 30 that the entire plant still can't figure out.
like "4 years of mystery blood clots". and "how did anentue planet of doctors turn so stupid and evil all at once"?
and "how come EVERYBODY forgot to Google how no Jan's in arem ever stop transmission".
It makes my heart sink, the pandemic tale is being completed, we have the heroes and heroines in the NHS who saved us during the deadly pandemic. The vaccines rescued us all from mass deaths and it could not have been done without our governments covid measures. They made mistakes but in the next crisis they will do it quicker, harder and this time they will make sure the vulnerable are given their "special" attention. I am sorry but I cannot listen to their theatre of lies the most troubling in all of this is they do not care that people know they are lying, they surge ahead regardless.
''They made mistakes but in the next crisis they will do it quicker, harder and this time they will make sure the vulnerable are given their "special" attention.''
-Exactly what is on the way. Admittedly so.
much respect for you leading the charge on this department of the COVID wars.
you've done great.
so sad that this ending is total theatrical evil lies.
I survey people on the street. everybody knows it's bullshit, but nobody knows what to do about it.
th Darkforce, clouds everything.
I'm on mission to crash into Dr Clare Craig's head. that might shake things up a bit.
you stay home if you like.
we are making history.
I admire your fortitude in sitting through this material and picking it apart for our benefit. I couldn't sit through that speech without distracting myself a bit by doing the dishes. It was pure politics and deflection, full of management buzzwords like 'pivot', and all the usual tropes about multiculturalism, fairness equalities, blah , blah. I wonder how that KC feels about having to read out such a disgraceful tract. One positive thing it did was remind me to be wary of anything emerging from our useless Scottish 'government' about so-called pandemics. I need a lie-down.
Thanks John it’s important to realise they are learning lessons but none of the ones that matter.
It seems the authorities have learned nothing. Just try doing it again and see what happens this time. Because 80% complied as they believed the lying money making scum. 20% looked into it and refused to comply. Now we are at 80% non compliance and millions furious they're sick or lost relatives. My daughters dad died after AstraZeneca, blood clot to his brain. I know another who had the same and of 3 deaths from rapid cancer in 2022. Two young nurses. I feel war is comi g of they carry on.
They're a bunch of criminals, there's nothing for them to learn.
They’ve no intention of learning any real lessons the public are going to need to grow a spine. Sorry about your loss Karen. You are not alone.
thy know perfectly well 80% will refuse next time, so obviously they will use a much more serious bioweapon next time. 10 to 40% mortality. those wo don comply will get hit fist and be blamed, THEN jabs will be forced as a result of the carnage.
all the prices are moving into place, that should be obvious toyouall by now.
the cock is ticking, an none o your meme shraring and virtue signalling ,that never worked last time, is going to save you.
best start trying to find the people who can
Pre written before the inquiry even started.
Another dangerous, brainwashed, moron promoting the worst injection in the history of man. The vaccine injured and bereaved should be let loose on such people. The whole orchestrated plandemic and resulting 'vaccines' were and continue to be crimes against humanity and those who pushed the jabs should be held to account and jailed at best.
Sadly there is a distinict lack of calls for accountabiltiy within all statements of the vaccine injured groups.
i told you. the Darkforce is making allthei brains not work. selfish, egotistical and obsessively stuck in what they think.
that's why we can't wake any of them up.
Dear @biologyphenom especially but also your readers, we are holding a meeting in central London on Tuesday afternoon, live linked via Zoom to discuss the omissions and misrepresentations. Speakers including those whose statements are presented here RSVP
Thanks for the link. My own focus is around the egregious harms that occured in care homes from 2020 which laid the roots for the pandemic. The fact is most people no longer inject mRNA (eg-80% NHS Scotland staff refused the latest jab) and many more know they are unsafe etc for various reasons, the AWARENESS is there can the same be said for the care homes evidence which calls into question the pandemic itself? 'Freedom' groups have consistently avoided the following like a real plague in favour of other topics particularly the 'vaccines' but at least that's all on record now too.
can I join you and do a presentation? I represent Dr Bhakdi, cambnell, Craig, Weinstein, Burkhart and Girardot in terms o knowing exactly how the mRNA harms.
Thanks for doing this. I couldn’t bear to watch it..
Even if you just scroll the main points and click on links you can see what they are not discussing therefore who is really spreading the misinformation?
There will be a meeting in central London on Tuesday afternoon held by the People's Vaccine Inquiry team to deal with some of the missing evidence. Speakers will include those who wrote lengthy witness statements for the Inquiry but were then told last month that we would not be called and publication of our statements on the Inquiry website would be at the discretion of Baroness Hallett. Looking at the hearings from the opening statemetns to the closing remarks, it is abundantly clear why we were not allowed to speak but have simply been relegated to the 'misinformation' box. All our statements are here
Ros, did you read all vaccine injury groups witness statements? They were comprehensive. Furthermore you prior said you cannot comment on Scottish COVID inquiry evidence predominantly around care homes as you were a paediatrcian not a geriatrician. Therefore with the same logic should you really be commenting so passionately and consistently about ‘COVID vaccines’ as you are not a vaccinologist? You and many others in the medical 'freedom' space are focusing on the wrong issue by avoiding the care homes evidence (any excuse will do) which exposes the root of the so called pandemic and unlike the ‘vaccines’ the widespread harms are all admitted officially. The following is the ONLY real way to push back against all that was done from 2020.
even vaccinologists couldn't comprehend how the jabs harm.
I do, on the other hand.
there has to n multiple fronts to push at, please don't discourage others from their path. support them, ask thy support you. team effort.
th Darkforce makes everybody thinks they know best. that way. no group and leader, ever gains any traction.
Nauseating government propaganda.