One commenter stated it perfectly: it wasn't covid that people should have feared but the NHS. The NHS have been ending the life of the elderly and vulnerable for a long time without consent of the individual or the relatives. What has only brought it to light was the increased scale of their end of life "care" in 2020, it could not be hidden as before. As usual some of the media are now "reporting" on the culling of the elderly after the event not at the time when it could have been stopped, they continue to be the useful tools of the government.

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Quite often the comments section is more enightening the article🤝👍

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This is more than sad...

Already back in 2016 I discussed "death jabs" to come with my surgical team in Dublin, Ireland and we all agreed we had to take good care of ourselves now, as nobody else would.

Now, 9 years later, I am preparing court cases against - especially Bolocaust/Denmark as they don't seem "only" to have death-jabbed Danish people in Denmark but also, Danish people living abroad. Danish people of all ages and in all countries. In Denmark, people can even order someone they either hate, envy etc to be jabbed death... Their religions make sure the murders happen. The Danish Baptist religion even made a comment on their website back in 2022, that they had by now, declared themselves above all laws, regulations, treaties etc as above human life!?!? 😰

Since then the"legal system" in the little place have clearly completely disappeared, same way as they "disappeared" the majority of all Danes living and working in Dublin, Ireland..

Never, ever have I experienced a hate as direct and evil as what we have experienced from these small Danes since then... 😰

Needless to say, I've lost all respect (100%) for these morons..and, I just look forward to see them all through the International Criminal Courts... Clearly the European Courts no longer work for Human beings hence, only the International Courts...

To have a place like this (DK) as ones country of origin, is punishment enough in itself and, they've definitely made sure they'll never see us again.. Criminal. Psychopaths they are.. Yrgh 😰!!!

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Oh yes. Everyone was crying out for Nuremburg 2.0 - and then…crickets.

I recall UK Column broadcast a video in 2020 that claimed a hospital in Scotland gathered its crew together and told them that anyone over a certain age would automatically get a DNR.

I believe the hospital was in Hamilton and the age was 49.

The reporter was David Scott, who does not seem to work with UKC now.

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Exactly, they were all enthusiastic and seemingly outraged in 2020 but in 2025 think ''ack we called this out in 2020'' and thereafter to be proven right is not important? Not buying it. UKC also had ZERO interest in Scottish inquiry until i and others repeatedly contacted them it was then sparingly covered (after nearly 1 year) and gone for good. I gave up emaling. David Scott reposted some of my clips on X so knows about it but like the 99.9% quickly lost interest. You can't take anyone seriously as opposition with all this going on. Scots Family Party also blocked me on X for asking them about Scottish inquiry and why are they not irate vs lockdown harms on vulnerable kids. Says it all. We are being played on both sides imo. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6RZWwbH5ucY

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You pretty much agree then?

If I watch the snooze it is GBN.

I take the view it is a controlled outlet for the disaffected voter to watch and feel "better".

Hell, they might even write to their local MP.


The pinnacle of political dissent in the UK.

It's my personal view but I'm just not inclined to be fair to any media coverage about anything.

It's all a play and the latest Trump/Farage/Musk "disagreement" is just more of the same.

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Agree Ralph, ultimately 'alt/msm' appears to be all theatre and another dead giveaway is everyone i have contacted over Scottish COVID inquiry have almost been forced to cover it. They didn't REALLY want to. And even when they have it's quickly forgotten about. Phew..job done. It's always felt to me like a disingenous attempt at promoting the truth etc but ultimately by doing so serves their own interests and appeals to their post 'COVID' status as 'anti-establishment' 'COVID' sceptic and with it they gain hundreds of thousands of followers and donations whilst real people promoting real tuths working for free get almost nothing by comparison. I mean Neil O sent me one PM on X vs Scots COVID inquiry but never once told people to follow my account to find out more. I was also blocked by Doc Malik from Glasgow over this and every other Scottish 'freedom' group. I mean....it's a big 'awake' club too where valid criticism is equally not as tolerated as we see with the mainstream repeaters.

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I can't watch Oliver. I've always found him as false as a stud wall.

Whatever the reason(s), I don't trust him.

But then I don't trust many people.

I find when it comes down to it, most are "all mouth and no trousers".

Or, as they say in the US, "all hat and no cattle". 😂

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Again, agree. His monologues are tedious. I just don't get good vibes from him. Like any good politician we see those in the 'alt' space can talk a good game too and this appeals to the disillusioned demographic which is significant and a business opportunity. They also don't see themselves as being on a level playing field with ordinary folks. We are lesser. Again, this is what you see with the 'bad guys' too. 'Good guys' 'bad guys' both seem to employ similar strategies. My experiences over the past 12+ months anyway.

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I am so glad someone else gets that vibe.

Good to have the company. 👍

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Hi Bio,

This is little bit apropos of nothing:

I'd like you to read the string between myself and Tom Maddison, recently ended by him.

It seems to me he is an obvious plant who knows nothing about the subject matter.

Interestingly after he "signed off" he "liked" my response - the only message of mine he "liked" and the only one he didn't reply to.

This "vitamin D is rat poison" thing seems to be orchestrated.

I've had other "conversations" similar to this.

Your honest comment would be appreciated.

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Yes, very interesting comments. Thank you for looking everywhere and bringing all this information to our attention. Original paper, what was wrong or only half right?

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Oui, très intéressants ces commentaires. Merci d'aller regarder partout et de nous faire remonter toutes ces informations. Papier d'origine, qu'est qui n'allait pas ou n'était qu'à demi correct ?

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I agree that there should be more coverage of this, but to be fair social media and much of the alt media was awash with evidence of DNRs and hospital protocol deaths back in 2020.

We had whistleblower nurses, hundreds of social media posts similar to the ones above, and lawyers like Claire Willis Harrison reporting on the care home murders. But trying to shove all this info into people's faces back in 2020/ 2021 was completely futile (and soul destroying) because everybody was still deeply in their covid trance.

A few of them are now beginning to come out of the trance and this allows them to allocate a few brain cells to looking at the facts again.... and I agree it is frustrating that the alt media and 'covid skeptics' have mostly moved on, or given up due to burn out.

Anyway, keep up the good work :)

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I have to say this is cop out excuse and i have heard it many times--''to be fair social media and much of the alt media was awash with evidence of DNRs and hospital protocol deaths back in 2020''

The BIG difference is it's was all conjecture, opinion, hypothesis etc but has now been CONFIRMED OFICIALLY and yet those same voices are NOWHERE and it's all meh? If 'alt' media people etc were serious they would be collaborating and shouting from the rooftops about how they were right in 2020 and accountability MUST now follow. Instead, nothing. Onto the next new narrative. One could argue 'alt' media and msm are two wings of the same bird alot like the voting system where different demographics are catered for but nothing really changes.

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Yes I don't really follow 'alt' anything. For the most part they are just Pepsi to the MSM's Coke. Throughout 'covid' I've always found testimony from 'ordinary people' to be the most useful.

MSM and politicians = the agenda (sales pitch)

Alt media = the secondary cover story, diversion, general grifting

real people = useful info (discernment required)

I wasn't excusing anyone either, just offering an explanation. Part of the problem is that everyone is at different levels of awareness and different stages of awakening. Sometimes normies now tell me 'shocking new revelations' about 'covid' that I was ramming down their throats in 2020, but they could not hear it back then because they were not at that stage of awareness.

All I meant to say was all of this information on DNRs and medical murder is consistent with what loads of people were saying at the time in 2020.

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I've referred to 'alt' media as the complaints dept of the establishment to make people feel better something is being done etc

Yes, it was consistent now all confirmed beyond doubt. See this post where i write about this situation. We are being played on all sides. I can't honestly say i have ANY faith in 2025 vs ANYONE prominent i have contacted over this can be trusted. https://biologyphenom.substack.com/p/newinquiry-whitewash-or-something

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💯 percent correct but don't forget to subscribe or buy them a cup of coffee ☕ or NO commentary for you. Just weak arsed grubs & unfortunately the simps fall for it everytime.

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Well said Roc we are being played on both sides is my conclusion in 2025. It's funny so many 'alt' media and 'awake' people vs Scottish inquiry it's like they have scripts similar to politicians when they state reasons for not covering or no interest in the evidence. ''Not enough time...too much subjects to cover...we knew about this in 2020''...and so on. It's uncanny how often this comes up from groups etc who are unrelated.

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Dear old Nan & Pop don't rate, not sexy enough, no SV 40 promoters or lipid nano particles or spike proteins to keep the naive paid subscribers on edge & dead people are NO longer an audience to suck a few quid out of. It's important to gain & keep the attention of the gullible, frightened, nong, nongs, who don't even realise they hold themselves in captivity. Your information is the real deal which is the template for the whole bloody world. Unfortunately, the Scottish inquiry is like talking about the starving in Ethiopia, they just don't care unless it's happening to them. I find that most of the "freedom movement" still promote Covid as if it is a real thing but in the next breath say it's a plandemic that was only designed to get jabs in arms. Which one is it? Because by my way of thinking they only keep the Convid story alive to promotes their raison d'être but it also gives credence to whole OWS farce that they saved the world from the deadly "virus". They need each other, imo.

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Brilliant analysis Roc, love that! ''dead people are NO longer an audience to suck a few quid out of. '' Agree and the attitude i get in responses vs prominent 'freedom/awake' accounts is ''meh'' or to just ignore the evidence entirely. Those same people will then create a post eg - on how mistakes were not made and get 40,000 views+ but won't tell people about the real world evidence. lol

''Your information is the real deal which is the template for the whole bloody world. ''

Yup and it exposes who is real and who is playing pretend.

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Cheers mate, it appears that most people can't handle real facts & truth, it makes them feel too uncomfortable caring for their fellow man/ woman/ child. They don't have the foggiest that if their circumstances were just slightly different that would've been them or their relos. I have an uncomfortable feeling they are ignoring your work as part of the “running down of the clock”, to forgive & move on b.s. It's coming.👍🇦🇺🦘

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Yes they are in captivity with confusion about ‘excess deaths’, jabs, turbo cancers, NWO, the WEF etc etc. They don’t see that they’re being manipulated and think they’re immune to propaganda. What a joke. https://jowaller.substack.com/p/the-continued-manipulation-of-health

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Thanks Jo will share that. I'm starting to think the 'alt' side are actually making sure people are not informed enough to take a stand against more lockdowns etc in future by willfully refusing to focus on the Scottish evidence.

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Absolutely correct.

It is constantly surprising how willing people are to continue to believe someone is out to save them despite the fact they do nothing of any substance.

Prime example is Neil Oliver. A self-promoter who has been virtually invisible throughout the Scottish Covid enquiry.

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To be fair to Neil and GBN they were the only main media oulet i reached out to over Scottish inquiry and they covered it. Maybe you are not aware?The producer that facilitated these shows is sadly no longer with GBN (suspicious?) and my later emails to new producers were ignored. My main issue with Neil is that he has CHOSEN to ignore the bombshell Jun 27-28 2024 health and social care hearings closing statements THE most important of the entire inquiry DESPITE being notified about this on his own show by Alison Walker on the 28th- a relative that testified. From 5mins 12s bottom video. So not a good look at all for Mr.Oliver as a 'freedom' fighter from Stirling ignoring the main session which was taking place just 26miles away in Edinburgh. He's barely mentioned Scottish inquiry on his Youtube channel but recently uploaded a 60min video on ghosts. I mean...


I sent GBN a 2min clip of the families testifying, they did'nt play it and they cut Ms.Thomas short excluding many crucial details.



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Oliver is openly an oil and animal ag shill.

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If the virus can't be isolated or purified and if all extra deaths are explained by what was essentially institutionalised murder, was there ever a pandemic or ever a virus?

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The real question is what proof have gov given that during the first lockdown Mar-Jun 2020 which started the entire debacle no testing was in place (yes we know the test is garbage) and that deaths were as a result of a novel pathogen? Stick the the actual data. The reason this goes unreproted as it confirms your points. https://biologyphenom.substack.com/p/scottish-covid-19-inquirycare-home?utm_source=publication-search

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My 96 year old Dad died alone in the hospital never having contracted COVID. Instead he choked on a pill and was left to suffocate because he had a DNR. I wasn't allowed to visit as I heeded my inner voice which was insufferably loud and told me not to take the shot.

The only things that prevented me filing a suit were: 1) Dad, who had a knack for finding the humour in the most egregious of circumstances, for some time, no longer took pleasure in even the simplest of day to day activity. He had a grand life and however horrific the exit, it was his time.

2) The Canadian College Of Physicians And Surgeons keeps a 2 billion dollar slush fund for malpractice suits. Winning a medical malpractice suit here is all but unheard of while being bankrupt by one is much more common.

3) In terms of actuarial tables, and presuming a positive outcome to the suit, how much is a judge going to award for loss of life when so little was left.

In a phone call from his hospital bed he joked about getting me a black market vaccination passport ... which we would have done except my sister, who was in charge of his medical care, was a cheerleader of vaccination & documentation and closing the borders. To say that didn't fly would be understatement of the year.

Normally very close I didn't see her in person from 2020 until after Dad died Boxing Day 2021 and at that, was not permitted in her home until Christmas this year. Presumably due to my being part of the Great Unwashed. Codicil "medical and vaccine discussions not permitted."

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