It makes one wonder what is the purpose of alternative media? Should they not have been reporting on this inquiry? At the very least putting in their "podcasts" or "articles" the neglect, mistreatment, no treatment, excessive drugging and the removal of human rights of old and vulnerable people. This was their one chance to hear from first hand witnesses on the barbarity of the lack of care given to people who unfortunately found themselves in the clutches of the health and social services. We have had deafening silence from news sources both mainstream and alternative. I think we are being "managed" by most of the alternative media, maybe not all but the majority, they do nothing but lead people in a myriad of directions leading nowhere.

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What is their purpose? Good question. The 'alternative/awake' area is a competitive business space with £millions to be made. You can literally turn up at the Scottish COVID inquiry, sit in and take notes and get exclusives. None of them ever did this. It's embarassing in all truth.

''I think we are being "managed" by most of the alternative media, maybe not all but the majority, they do nothing but lead people in a myriad of directions leading nowhere.''

Couldn't agree more Amat. No focus, always onto another narrative. Your analysis is consistently spot on!

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I often follow and read the oh so well-researched enquiry of the C-19 United States Defense Department military 'Live Exercise' (Mike Pompeo)which is being carried out by Katherine Watt who works in collaboration with the equally excellent Sasha Latypova.

She reveals how the majority of the world's peoples found themselves prisoners of the US DOD🇺🇸'KILL BOX💀' under which deadly health protocols, NON CONFORM experimental jabs, INSANE forced masking and confinements were EVILLY imposed on the WORLD😭.

David A. Hughes provides his convincing reasons about why the Powers That Be decided to reboot our realities and inflict this hideous Military Exercice which managed to force 5.5 BILLION victims to be tricked and forced into a 'needle in every arm' lunacy.

Alas, most folks have already forgotten this episode and don't fully realise or are oblivious to what was foisted on them to maintain 'The Rules Based International Order,' Mike Benz.

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yes. Betrayal blindness is a completely real phenomenon. I wrote about it in a recent Stack.


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Maybe that IS the point of alternative media - or the majority of it, as you say.

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There appears to be no real purpose behind the 'alt media' other than to provide an outlet for people becoming disillusioned with how things are who can then believe ''something is being done'' or that they are now ''awake'' and other people are on their side when in reality all that's up for grabs is 1-your time wasted and 2- your money (buying tickets, books, T-shirts etc. I've noticed you could go bankrupt supporting all these 'awake/alt' groups). The blatant willfull ignorance of Scottish COVID Inquiry has taught me that much. Those that HAVE covered it due to pressure like Neil Oliver and Dr.Campbell and more recently VERY sparingly UKC it always felt to me more of a tick box exercise than a serious effort. Oliver ignoring the 2024 closing statements is a massive red flag!! He's also a historian. The 'Together' Group is another one i have issues with in relation to it all, who sporadically posted about Scots inquiry months ago and then no more.

Neil ''freedom fighter'' Oliver now wants you to buy his latest book as well as subscribing to his Patreon etc. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YWlFfPPoJUg&t=79s&ab_channel=NeilOliver

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You could be forgiven for thinking the so-called alt media was a "here and no further" safety net.

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gatekeepers of the narrative

“The smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion, but allow very lively debate within that spectrum....”

― Noam Chomsky, The Common Good

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"People who refuse to accept vaccines, I think the right response for them is not to force them to but rather to insist that they be isolated," Chomsky said. "If people decide, 'I am willing to be a danger to the community' by refusing the vaccine they should also say then, 'I also have the decency to isolate myself.'"

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The Scittish Indy media id controlled opposition . I can name every one . I was part of the Indy movement and witnessed everything .

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Yes, they all blocked me on X over Scots COVID inquiry and their lack of concern but happy to hold rallies about chemtrails.

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I'm sure similar things happened here in Wales too. I've heard of whole floors of care homes being almost emptied out during Jan-April 2020. There was no pandemic there was a covid massacre, mass murder by negligence, protocol and drug. Couey is emphatic about the same thing in the USA e.g. https://stream.gigaohm.bio/w/sk5GWswmPKbgV9eBtfmzx2 or same video on Rumble https://rumble.com/v5hfxs5 All summarised by Paul Alexander here: https://palexander.substack.com/p/jj-couey-is-a-giant-this-presentation

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Denis Rancourt has analysed worldwide data on excess all cause mortality and published reports saying the same thing. People died of medical malpractice in 2020 and then additionally from vaccines from 2021 onwards. There is no indication of a pattern of deaths which can be attributed to a spreading pathogen. In other words there was no ‘novel virus’ and the was no ‘pandemic’.

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Yes, i am aware of Denis' excellent work and he has acknowledged Scottish COVID inquiry but he should be using it more to convince people as to the results of his paper which are now completely validated by the world's only official COVID inquiry to give real people a voice. Despite the revelations however the inquiry still seems to be this obscure thing that is actively avoided, downplayed or dimssed for various reasons by those could make the biggest difference which i find troubling.

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Well I think there is a lot of good information from witnesses in this very thorough enquiry but it has been made quite difficult to get at. I agree that it is troubling that it has not been picked up by the alt. media in any serious way. However, you have done a real service to the resistance by extracting key parts of the evidence and assembling this into digestible pieces. My feeling is that the only real enquiry for the UK would be one which questions the whole narrative and it is now getting late for this. The government, of course, cannot go there so it would need a people's enquiry as done in Canada - but even Canada in my opinion did not go far enough to expose the total criminal racket that Covid was. The truth hurts but if people never hear it we are destined to see a repeat of this awful event again in the future.

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Agree Howard. The 'alt' media have failed disastrously vs Scots inquiry which as Amat referred only calls into question their legitimacy. The Scots inquiry is as close to an official admission you could ever wish to get as to what COVID really was. A real diamond, an anomaly. I mean are people SO NAIVE to believe one day Sturgeon or Boris etc will appear on live tv and say oops sorry folks, there was no pandemic?! One of the biggest travesties of the COVID years is now the failure of the 'alt' media and 'freedom' movement to use this evidence moving forward. They actively AVOID IT. Token mentions here and there, not serious as you say.

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yes, I agree with you both. In Jan-Apr we get a lot of excess deaths of the elderly and these are used to frighten most everyone into compliance. Of course the care workers are seeing people get killed yet nothing is done about it. As a result they know something really, really evil is happening hence when, in December 2020, they were told to get jabbed or lose their jobs all that were in any position to do so just left. In Wales the care homes, already short-staffed lost 50% of their workforce. Those left _had to stay. Equally knowing there was great evil happening, they are now far too frightened to speak out. Doubtless many who left feared rightly that the jabs (transfections is the correct term not vaccinations) where intended to harm. But they are now isolated and frightened to speak.

Having grown up utterly certain of the morality of academic institutions and national authorities, it took me many months to accept that they were now nothing of the kind. Justice, that abstract authority which ruled behaviour from over our heads is now dead. DEAD. Everything now turns upon the morality of the individual and how we recombine human society into something worthwhile. The more I contemplate it, the more it looks like a 1,000 year task. Somewhere, in one of his videos, Couey has shown how the present situation began its pre-planning (at least overtly and it must go back further) with Andrew Carnegie and the 1892 Homestead Steel strike, which turned into a lock-out and a huge struggle for power.

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''The more I contemplate it, the more it looks like a 1,000 year task''

Interesting you should say that.


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Spot on it was a deliberate culling aided by the Drosden pcr test to give a semblance of pandemic

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3 minute summary of what is going on https://stream.gigaohm.bio/w/vLJMVBGy7HfWqhgHLq9ouW

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Couey has been the ONLY guy that decided to cover Scottish COVID inquiry on his own steam and provide commentary. He was so fast to cover my early work this was a test edition (with music) removed minutes later when full version was uploaded. https://stream.gigaohm.bio/w/fDUcoJ49XGiN8Mo4B8GFG8

Just wish he'd do the same with the 2024 closing statements ignored by the entire global media network inc ''alternative.'' And of course the popular 'medical freedom' community is nowhere. https://biologyphenom.substack.com/p/scottish-covid-19-inquiryclosing

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Some of these testimonies are harrowing no wonder the msm doesn't want people being aware of it or there might be more calls for accountability

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Exactly Cally!!

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If You Know Something Is Killing People and You Carry On, That Is Murder

04/10/2021-------------By Roy R M McIntosh

After reading the report by the BBC Scotland on the elderly deaths in care homes it was shocking to see that there was no mention of this being advised to the Scottish Government to move people from hospitals to clear beds, and that was by Andrews!

Now you do not have to be smart or a doctor to know that every year the care homes struggle to keep ‘bugs’ out of the homes, so taking elderly people from hospitals and sending them to care homes can only be described as criminal. The elderly were not in hospital for a holiday! How did the elderly die? No mention of DNR, Midazolam or Remdesivir…

So, for Krankie Sturgeon to say it was a mistake, is just a lie to cover up killing like never seen before. And it was deliberate, so that is criminal. It was deliberate murder!

Then jump forward to when the injections started and the killing started again. Look at the UK death figures for Jan 2021, and you shall see each week is higher by thousands than the average for previous years. Once again, if you know something is killing people and you carry on, that is murder! Oh, but it is put down to all sorts of other causes: Doctors were falsifying health reports and death certificates.

I wrote in March 2020 and said that moving the elderly would kill people and not one reply. I also wrote to media, Freeman and political parties as I was told by a person from a care home that the injections were maiming and killing, and the only reply I got back was from some Lesley Brown from Scottish government, wondering where I got my information from. I told her where to go… I had written to Freeman, yet Brown replies? Taking the killing of the elderly and now the killing and maiming by injections, the politicians and NHS should be on murder charges!

In time the truth shall come out, and it is good that families have come together to ask questions, and also that the Covid-19 Assembly are working away in the background. Looks like pharma and Gates etc could be pulling the strings!?

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Commendable effort Roy. Hard to fault that analysis especially now after inquiry truths. Gov knew at 4 WEEKS of lockdown harms on residents and did nothing. It's disturbing beyond belief how this is being ignored.



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Jacqui Deevoy covered it in The Light paper, Issue 49, September, p5.


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Yes, an excellent piece by Jacqui and thanks for publishing. I can count on one hand the amount of articles i've seen covered in the ''alt'' media ''freedom movements'' over this past 12 months. Extremely damning to their credentials ignoring the world's only official COVID inquiry that is proving many if not all their concerns and more from 2020 were completely justified. It's now seemingly all meh in 2024 when the establishment itself gives the covid sceptics an open goal from 5 yards? i do despair! Even the UK COVID inquiry long stated to be a ''whitewash'' by the ''awake'' community is revealling many truths. https://biologyphenom.substack.com/p/exclusiveuk-covid-inquirydnacpr-experiences

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we'll keep publishing, you keep reporting brother :-)

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Do not let any of those murders get away . The care home owners and All those monster staff working there while the bloody PM was having parties . Get Them all.

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I've got to the point where I feel that most alternative media commentators just post about the current thing, for revenue, and have simply moved on from what is still a horrific crime. They have no real interest in pursuing any accountability for what has happened.

As for the main stream propaganda arm for the state narrative, they are never going to do anything to get this into public consciousness, and worse even if they did, I have to wonder if the vast majority of people would just shrug their shoulders and say "but it was a difficult time and easy to make mistakes".

Makes my blood run cold

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''I've got to the point where I feel that most alternative media commentators just post about the current thing, for revenue, and have simply moved on from what is still a horrific crime. They have no real interest in pursuing any accountability for what has happened. ''

Yup, exactly my thoughts and feelings.

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Just a thought but did you ever see my interview with Dr Ardis. I tend not steer people to it now, due to the whole snake venom stuff that he later came out with as people feel he lost credibility because of that - but he's actually a really nice guy and tried to publicise the Midaz issue and care home issues alot. It would be interesting to see if what I said to him matches with some of the testimony in the inquiry. Let me know if you want a link to the interview to review

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Aye, sounds worth a listen. I am familiar with the guy. Vanished after snake venom comments done the rounds.

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And I don't think that was by accident. He actually didn't attest to or say what Stew Peter's put across. I've always wondered if it was a set up given where he was going with the EOL stuff. I will find the interview and send it to you in a personal message

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Yes it's hard to know who is really on side or not and I thought the same thing as you when Ardis brought in the venom stuff but I do believe he was right about remdesevir coz I did my own research about that and looked at the original trials re Fauci . Then wrote my own article in 2022 about how remdesivir was part of the killing plan along with the other methods here https://open.substack.com/pub/callystarforth/p/is-there-no-balm-in-gilead?r=1eq51l&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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ExcessDeathsAU has also been covering it actually.


I think it might be the biggest mass murder in history.


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John Campbell has been following it

I’ve been sharing his videos on my substack first fact check as well as


Nice video summary thanks by the way

Yes and it is really worrying

The same thing was happening in the US - this down's syndrome girl was basically put on a DNR and killed with midazolam and morphine etc.


I've heard reports the same thing was happening in Australia too.

We need to pray for God to save our societies, our countries.

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John Campell coverage is remarkable given the link you've posted shows he did know about the inquiry before most...and until i alerted him of subsequent testimony he was clearly not interested. He eventually did cover more of my work on inquiry but i felt on email it was clear John was really only concerned about high viewing figures (thus revenue) for his youtube and not so much uncovering the truth and soon-after he lost interest.


Thanks for USA link and agree vs God.

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Erm, is this the same guy pushing the vaccines?

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He *used* to push them, till he woke up to the evidence of their overwhelming harm. The data red-pilled him.

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I wouldn't be so sure about that Cindy. John knows how to play both sides to maximise his revenue.

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The Bernician went public with this info in 2021 and had PCP’s dismissed by gate keepers.


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madazoln andand. mophen. why we were kepped out

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mass murder by ones suppossed to care forus madazolzan morphmorphineused why they kept family out

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