Jul 4Liked by biologyphenom

My thoughts are the people who are labelled as elderly or with mental health difficulties or even people who are chronically sick are invisible and it appears disposable. For most people if media do not pay attention and tell them to react then conveniently it has not happened. The media tell their stories/propaganda to their captured audience - the population and that is their only reality, they will not go beyond the tv box or the newspapers. As for the so called medical freedom movement and independent media for many money and their vested interests talks loudly and will determine what they report or pay attention to. I have become very cynical about it all.

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Jul 4·edited Aug 11Author

Another good analysis Amat.

''are invisible and it appears disposable''

BOTH these comments have been made at Scottish COVID 19 inquiry. I think ''invisible'' was in relation to people with severe disabilities.

''‘My personal view was they say a man of 83 and he was disposable.’’


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Jul 4Liked by biologyphenom

still not a scrap of MSM coverage - astonishing.

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deletedJul 4
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Why do you think it is wilful? Maybe just because it wasn't well advertised by the organisers?

And Neil Oliver covered it to some extent on GBN.

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Jul 18·edited Aug 18Author

Neil only covered it because i relentlessly emailed GBN about it. It was all my work used. Rarely reposts about inquiry on X.

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Jul 5Liked by biologyphenom

We need Nuremberg 2.0.

But note the guilty are in power. There is no limit to what they will do to preserve themselves. No limit. They will burn the cities, poison the water, whatever it takes.

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deletedJul 5·edited Jul 5
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Jul 18Liked by biologyphenom

Their loyalty is to self. They step out of line and there will be a P45 or life-wrecking scandal or worse.

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They killed our older people to justify the response to a planned 'pandemic'. Remember when the BBC and its brethren mentioned that Do Not Resuscitate orders were in place for people aged 55 and over? They hypnotised a public ready for the suggestion of plague. 'They' don't like people breathing, socialising, thinking for themselves. When that happens, they use the social reflex, the madness of crowds, to try and kill those people.

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deletedJul 5
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Jul 5Liked by biologyphenom

It may be that once the scope of what just happened is measured, we have killed more people that WW2. We are still dying.

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Jul 5Liked by biologyphenom

A few months ago I checked Statistics Canada and found unexpected comments regarding a large increase in death rate among younger ages.

I saved the link and next day the comments were gone. I must conclude that an ethical person at stats Canada was then crushed by the fascist machinery of the Trudeau kleptocratic autocracy. But also, it will be hard to learn the truth if of total deaths. Meanwhile large numbers of migrants are generously supported, cash, hotels, health care. Not a happy time.

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Don't forget that you're essentially dealing with a philosophy from those who greatly influence governments, presidents, and prime ministers (who set policy) which is based on eugenics: the less able in society should die. Thus, the elderly; the frail no matter the age; the sick no matter the age; the handicapped (either physically or mentally); and the suicidal. These are people they feel should never be apart of society. In the past, eugenicists have supported policies, like here in America, which targeted people of different races. Initially, Planned Parenthood arose from the goal to eliminate the procreation of black people. Eugenics fell from favor after WWII and became quite covert. Harari speaks of the "useless eaters." This is eugenics in a nutshell but widened to include those among humanity who don't or won't accept AI interfaces and who don't share his vision of technocracy where humans willingly accept a new human consciousness.

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Jul 8Liked by biologyphenom

It's extremely worrying that there was such disregard for the life of these victims. It could have been anyone of our relatives and my heart goes out to all who have lost a loved one through the negligence, suffering and cruelty inflicted. Absolutely disgusting. They must be made to pay.

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Aug 27Liked by biologyphenom

And how many I wonder, would never have needed a "care home" had they not been over prescribed for drugs & so called vaccines long before the covid scam & jabs arrived. Between protocols & lockstep medical abuse, the elderly without loved ones to defend them were like ducks in a shooting gallery, except worse, as a bullet is quicker. 😢

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Awrite neebur! What’s happening with your Twitter account being suspended?

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No clue, appeals to 'support' are ignored. Can't have me going around exposing all the fake freedom fighters and truthers out there. ;-)

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I wonder if it was those fakers reporting your channel?

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My gut feeling says yes. Not to mention any names.

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Aug 23Liked by biologyphenom

Has your twitter account been nuked?

You have done a great job of documenting this and i was trying to forward it to others but couldn't find it.

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Yes it has. I hope people now realise how important Scottish COVID inquiry is.

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What was the reason?

So much for Elon giving us freedom of speech there.

It's a lot better than it was, but clearly has a long way to go. You didn't post anything non factual fro what I saw.

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Aug 27·edited Aug 27Author

No reason given. I'm quite glad to be off X/Twitter truth betold.

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We all know that the government will interfere with civil and criminal charges resulting from these crimes. All we can do is clamour. And point out to the perpetrators that in 20 years they might be in a care home.

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We mustn't forget the underlying purpose of Covid & its treatment. Its widely known that the WEF globalists wish to depopulate 7.5 billion of the worlds useless mouths. Vaccines are an integral part of that. so first you must invent a disease. Gates is on video saying, with a vaccine we can perhaps reduce the population by 10 to 15%. That's 800 million to 1.2 billion. Estimates are that the Luciferian globalists control $40 trillion, so bribing the whole Big Pharma & all its subsidiaries is no big deal. In NYC, the Democrat Governors moved 30,000 from hospitals to care homes. There the mandated Fauci Remdesivir treatment ended the lives of them all. They also died alone, locked in the care homes. Midazolam Matt Hancock achieved the same objective in the UK nursing homes with Midazolam the death row drug that also destroys the kidneys, forcing you on to the ventilator death machine. I could write all day but that's it.

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Would you consider doing a podcast with Doc Malik?

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Jul 15·edited Jul 15Author

He's asked me before. I refused. I don't see the point. I'm a non medic. Besides this is not about me it's about the inquiry and what has been said. Malik (FROM GLASGOW) has also not reposted ANY of the Scottish inquiry clips with commentary as a medic despite saying he was interested in what i was posting. I find that astonishing and it greatly diminishes his freedom credentials in my opinion. He and many other 'awake' medics should be all over this with reposts and comments but instead nothing.

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Jul 15Liked by biologyphenom

Thank you for getting back to me. I totally understand. I just thought it might be a good platform to educate others about the inquiry. I’m also surprised he has not reposted the findings. Your work and coverage has been phenomenal (no pun intended), it must be pretty stressful. Medics could have stopped this from a few weeks into the vaccinations. Thank you. I repost on GETTR (not seen you there for a while), but don’t seem to get many responses.

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