This pattern happened all over the world.

Unilateral DNR orders (and many other murderous protocols) as accepted and encouraged policy in one country after the next occurring on or around the same dates during the scamdemic with protections and incentives provided through legislation that was conveniently put in place directly preceding enactment of these protocols.

Being as I'm not a coincidence theorist I then wonder what supranational organization(s) have the reach and influence to pull this off.

Hmmm, let me think.

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or as the bible says- ''For they cannot rest until they do evil; they are robbed of sleep till they make someone stumble.'' - Proverbs 4:16

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I agree.

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This is good news I'm glad to hear this I'm still pushing for my brothers forged signature to be taken seriously maybe just maybe the crown will get round to that . This is clearly a pattern and they can't just ignore it .

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A step in the right direction Pamela that's for sure! You also have to wonder how many more Scots had this happen to them but were/are unaware? If anyone wants to know more about your story they should click on this link. https://biologyphenom.substack.com/p/pamela-thomas-interviewjune-2024

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It's a cover up

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Far from it, open your eyes! Although of course they want to and will do their best to cover it all up. They've admitted everything hence the almost total global media blackout. What happens next will be on the ''truthers'' for failing to put the pressure on and more importantly failing to raise awareness of the testimonies. https://biologyphenom.substack.com/p/scottish-covid-19-inquiryclosing-2e6

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Even before COVID, in the US, it's been an open secret that care homes will extend or shorten lives based on bank accounts or insurance benefits. Always follow the money.

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A film. I care a lot is great example of what has been happening in US. Sadly UK not much better. Used to be called Liverpool care plan. They were supposed to stop it but they just dropped the name, and now with the euthanasia Bill going through I'd imagine like Chanada it's going to be used for the vulnerable in our society. Disgusting. Liz Carr recently did a documentary on the Canada euthanasia, as a disabled person she should worry

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Yes; I actually watched it! (I Care a Lot) Just a random pick by a friend who works as a hospice CNA.

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I guess the people who work in this industry might get it more than others but as it's the worst paying job (UK anyway). Then these people don't really care a lot 😞.

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What was done to the elderly during the non existent pandemic was indeed criminal and inhumane.

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This is a great angle.

Reminder for all about the Memorial Hospital incident:


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It's a very good article but should be updated to include the evidence from the world's only official COVID inquiry in Scotland that provides solid unarguable proof to many of the claims. ;-) Just updated this one. ZERO msm or 'alt' media coverage past 12 months. Stunning ! https://biologyphenom.substack.com/p/scottish-covid-inquiry-health-and-953

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I did not mean the article I referenced is great; I meant the angle of police investigation is great and exactly what is needed.

One “downside” is that the focus of police investigation is on care home and there doesn’t seem to be police attention on what occurred in hospitals.

I think people have assumed care homes are where all or most iatrogenic and/or Democidal measures occurred, and that people would have been “saved” if they had been taken to the hospital or taken there sooner.

I can’t speak to Scotland, but in the U.S. (including NYC) that is not the case.

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I'd say the focus in Scotland is best suited to care homes given that is the root of 'the pandemic' claim which was clearly a now provable mass democide event under the guise of 'COVID.' Also deaths in Scottish hospitals 2020=lowest on record also ICU rates nothing untoward...not to downplay that there weren't many suspicious deaths in hospital setting. That has also been evidenced.


At the end of the day there is absolutely no more evidence/facts required to know what really happened during the 'COVID' era and Scotland has shown this officially to the world. The failure of the popular 'medical freedom community' to properly run with this i think will prove to be a massive mistake. I've basically been a one man show for 12 months. The suppression in the media in Scotland of the testimonies and with global media in general is mind blowing and but tells you just how important it is.


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Also more needs to be said about the high flow oxygen murders (wilful and intentionally induced hyperoxia) covered up by the likes of Pierre Kory and all the people who went out of their way to obfuscate and cover up for him. This crude act of democide needs urgent attention by the police.


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The popular '''medical freedom community'' will NOT discuss the Scottish COVID inquiry. The WORLD'S ONLY official COVID inquiry to reveal what really happened during lockdown therefore they have an agenda outwith the truth. https://biologyphenom.substack.com/p/scottish-covid-inquiry-impact-hearing-9b1

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A Covid Enquiry that selectively ignore the truth, run by Scottish Government , its a start but until they talk about the MASS data fraud using PCR tests , we are on a road to nowhere . The reason that people were thrown into dangeroys care homes was because if the Covid test results - Enquiry should be removed Scottish FLU Enquiry , there is no COVID 19 virus .



The Wellcome Trust Centre for Molecular Parasitology, a well-equipped unit that focuses on protozoan parasites and is particularly active in global analyses of parasite biology, including genomics, metabolomics and ecological approaches.  We also have numerous research links with disease-endemic countries, in particular in Africa.

SEE ARTICLE for confirmation Fauci has been working with Wellcome Trust & The Pirbright Institute (UK) (Coronavirus patent holder) for a long time.

Note #JeremyFarrar was CEO of Wellcome Trust, has long term link with #AnthonyFauci and was on the infamous phone call on 1st February 2020 where they agreed to cover up lab leak and gain of function funding in biolabs.

Wellcome Trust, Sanofi, AstraZeneca and Novartis are tightly aligned with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Merial Animal Heath Institute (UK & China), The Pirbright Institute funded by DARPA (U.S.) & DERA (UK)

#wellcometrust #wuhanlabs #biolabs

#fauci #Pirbright #gainoffunction




Apologies for spelling .

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''until they talk about the MASS data fraud using PCR tests , we are on a road to nowhere . The reason that people were thrown into dangeroys care homes was because if the Covid test results - Enquiry should be removed Scottish FLU Enquiry , there is no COVID 19 virus.''

The Scottish COVID inquiry has given you all the ammunition you will ever need to now purse that route. As i said the focus should be on the inquiry testimonies and what has been said not what hasn't nor likely will ever be. THAT'S the REAL road to nowhere!!


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Speech given to the Scottish Parliament by the Cabinet Minister for Health & Spirt, Jeane Freeman, on Tuesday, March 03 2020:

“…But while we rightly operate to worse (sic) case scenarios there are some important points to make to put that in context.

We do expect more cases. But for the majority of those affected the symptoms and impact will be mild.”

“…we are planning and preparing letting the science and the clinical advice guide us and doing all we can to ensure our response is proportionate and effective.”

I guess the question has always been, when did the response stray from being ‘proportionate and effective’ to disproportionate and lethal?

At whose behest?

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The WHO/UN/WEF/Big pharma. See the behaviour of our officials here. Just updated this.


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Of course. Absolutely.

Globally, we acknowledge WHO dunnit, but in terms of boots on the ground, it’s good to understand precisely who crafted the elite edicts into actual policy affecting us all.

No doubt Sturgeon, and her podium partners, voluble dentist Jason Leitch, and that inestimable gift to Cabinet Ministry, Jeane Freeman and Humza Yousaf, can help us with that.

Souls were lost. Loved ones died. Causality without conscience (the only science we should really pay heed to), can have devastating effects. The Ponzi pyramid of culpability stretches deep and wide. Every one of us, at every moment, had a choice. We’ve all been witness to it.

Never forget.

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It's like V says in the movie V for Vendetta....

"Truth betold if you're looking for the guilty you need only look in a mirror"


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🫡. Ain’t that the truth. Wonder what they see when they look in the mirror?

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Not much i reckon. Just awaiting orders for the next manufactured crisis. ;-)

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If there’s justice in the world, let’s hope that it’s ofttimes the faces of the ‘desptached’ staring back at them

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Fear mongering (especially on a global scale), can lead ordinary people to commit atrocities! Do we blame the MSM, it's controllers, the Governments, the frontline organisations or the people carrying out their orders?

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If you do not finger your handlers then you are complicit. Lots of people are totally deluded in thinking that there will never be a covid laundry day.

I think all the little people are trapped by student loans and mortgages. Those in the middle who have no debt have no excuse, they could have spoken up or walked away, too many did not exercise their freedom and others followed suit.

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@Doubting Pixie. Blame all of the above.

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The governments and public health set the scene knowing that it would result in deaths. The draconian rules descended onto the care and nursing homes and as Dr Macaskill stated it "deadened flexibility" and this is the death knell for appropriate response to any type of illness or infection, voices were suppressed and hand were tied and bad harmful protocols were developed, written and deployed. All that is left to be done is to wait for them to die.

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Macaskill refers here to Operation Koper which meant care home managers and staff would be even more paranoid over 'COVID' deaths due to potential prosecution. He's testified TWICE at the inquiry and many truths surfaced all ignored by the msm and ''alt'' media. https://biologyphenom.substack.com/p/scottish-covid-19-inquiry-impact-a91

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The truth can’t be hidden👏👏

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Without my eyes noticing Scottish Inquiry they'd have done a pretty good job though.

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When I went in to a private hospital for knee replacement the last question they asked me was if I accepted a DNR. I was astonished and outraged and replied that I would inform my solicitors if anyone tried to do so. No more was said and I have not been asked again. I gather in the NHS they were applied without consent from the patients and no contact to gain consent happened with relatives who were not allowed in to see family.

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and worse when you learn GPs don't even require consent for a DNR to be applied.

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Strange that the government was keen to keep in 'lockstep' with Sturgeon ( on facemasks, eg) during an alleged 'pandemic', but don't want to refer to the Scottish Inquiry, which is bringing to light heinous acts against the elderly and those unable to advocate for themselves. MSM told to 'heel' and not 'bark' so the public south of the border remain ignorant of the Inquiry's wider ramifications.

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Great ! Will send it to the bastard resuscitator which ruled Jean Pierre DNR the day before his death without even examining him nor informing us.

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Camper van for my thoughts? !

Its like the other Scottish Police probes, - you better believe it will drag on for years. I've lost all faith in Scottish Justice.

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So it seems.

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They call it "criminal justice" instead of "victim justice" for a reason.

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Dr Charles Huang MBA from the University of Strathclyde in 1989, PhD in marketing in 1994

Huang has a Bachelor’s in economics from Wuhan University, China.

Sept. 2020

Innova Medical Group secured a vast supply of rapid tests from an obscure Chinese manufacturer before established pharmaceutical companies could do so.

Mar. 2021

INNOVA win £3.2 Billion U.K. Government supply & distribution contracts

Jun 6, 2021

The FDA published a Class 1 medical device recall for Innova PCR test

Sept 21, 2021

Charles Huang donated £50 Million to Strathclyde University

Nov 30, 2021

Charles Huang donate US$40 Million Alma Mater, Wuhan University

Jan 5, 2022

U.K. Government state PCR tests to be temporarily suspended

SEPTEMBER 2023 - CHARLES HUANG donation - CLARICE PEARS School of Health & Wellbeing opens


Full story here






Engineering Better Outcomes for Drug Development




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10th June 2021, Matt Hancock:

“…I totally agree with you about the inexcusable nature of any attempt to use do not resuscitate orders without consent. When there were concerns raised at blanket consent being put in place, we stopped that immediately.”

So who started them Matt? And had “concerns” not been raised how many more would’ve died? Sounds like a confession to me. And the punishment for democide….. yes that’s right folks a couple of stints on reality TV.

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"Gillan’s statment reveals she was going to take legal action against the care home and wanted it closed down but was told the costs would be significant. "

Then perhaps what we need is a legal fund, and some pro bono lawyers willing to should as much of the legal costs as possible. Maybe even a wronged rich person with deep pockets?

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Exactly. Seems bizarre no one has been rich enough and or determined enough to take gov to court over it all given the evidence. 16,000 alleged 'COVID' victims in Scotland we've heard from about 20. Even if just 1% woke up that's still alot of people to deal with.

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I think our current resistance movement is heavily disorganised.

A lot of these victims don't speak to each other. I feel like they could pool financial resources together, pull in some sympathetic pro bono lawyers, and take the so-called "care" homes to court. But someone needs to act as messenger go-between to get them to meet 'n' greet so they can rally resources.

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Agree, the ''resistance'' is disorganised but also compromised and controlled. There is no desire for real truths and less for real accountability vs 'COVID. They can talk a good game though and get you to take out a paid subscription to their various media. One born every minute as they say. Like you i am baffled why someone directly effected with some dosh in the bank hasn't decided to take this to court.

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Maybe only the poor people go to "care" homes, and all the rich elderly folks go to Barbados or something?

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Standard rate care home cost in Scotland is >£1000/week!!


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Makes me wonder where the money comes from for the impoverished folks then? £52,000 a year? Yikes.

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